Princess Against the World

Chapter 7417 That’s it-17

But this... is too incredible, right? !

How could he enter the aurora's space so quickly and easily?

That is an artifact!

You should be more or less... principled!

Even if someone bullies you, you have to be more reserved for a while! !

How come...

Was it captured by Feng Chenglin so quickly?

"This damn fat guy... I really can't see it. He's hiding it so secretly?" Ling Luoyu suddenly laughed.

Of course, to say the least, this is a good thing.

Feng Chenglin was able to capture Aurora and enter his space in such a short period of time, which shows that his willpower is very strong.

Although Ji Guang made a passive choice and was forced to enter the space by Feng Chenglin Overlord, it was not as good as Gu Lan's active choice.

But as long as Feng Chenglin and Jiguang's auras get along well, it's still very possible that this magic will make a tacit agreement with him!

Gu Lan saw the smile on Ling Luoyu's face, and her eyes instantly turned ferocious: "Miss Ling?"

"...Don't call me that, that's not what I meant... You saw it too, I didn't do anything, Aurora chose him!"


"However, you don't need to be too nervous. Isn't your incident a lesson for the past? It can be seen that Aurora is not easily contracted, and the guarantees are not guaranteed...what else will happen? Maybe, wait a while, he Just like you, you were thrown out by Ji Guang in disgust!"

"Miss Ling, are you serious?" Gu Lan gritted his teeth and looked at her: "But why do I feel that you and him are in the same group, but I am a superfluous outsider!"

"It's definitely a misunderstanding!" Ling Luoyu shook his head seriously: "Even in terms of how long we have known each other, Mr. Gu and I are the closest to you!"

"Really?" Gu Lan smiled half-heartedly: "But now, that guy hasn't come out yet. Does this mean that Jiguang has made him recognize his master?"

"Believe me, based on my observation of the two of you, it shouldn't be so easy for him to get the Aurora..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden scream.

Feng Chenglin was in a very embarrassed state. He was thrown out of the void and fell to the ground. He rolled several times before barely stopping.

Gu Lan: "..."

Is this guy really rejected by Aurora?

This was the same as him, who was also thrown out.

Ling Luoyu: "..."

Isn't it?

Good words don’t work, but bad words work?

If his words come true and come true, this guy will probably become the best in the world.

Feng Chenglin stood up mumbling, not sure if he was cursing or talking about something. He looked up and saw Ling Luoyu and Gu Lan shut up immediately.

He stood silently for two seconds, patted his clothes, adjusted his hair crown, and walked over slowly as if nothing had happened.

"Tell me, ha... there's something about this. It just needs training. You talk to it kindly and say nice things to it, but it keeps pushing your limits, pushing its nose to make you feel shameless..."

"What's the matter, you were thrown out too?" Gu Lan had the same expression as Feng Chenglin before, gloating: "Isn't it true that he is not very satisfied with you? In fact, you are right, like An artifact of this level naturally has its own willpower and its own choices!"

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