Princess Against the World

Chapter 7437 Run away first-17

It is an opportunity that once he misses it, he will never encounter it again in this life! !

Now, he must make the fastest decision in the shortest time.

Decide if you want to be the master of Aurora! !

Of course, it is also possible to become its slave! !

"Fifty percent!!"

Now, he has a 50% chance of success! !

Once you miss it, you will regret it for life! !

do not care! !

"After all...don't I still have a 50% chance!?"

Once successful, it will be a sea change.

Although he was only 50% sure, it was worth the gamble.

Gu Lan didn't want to spend the rest of his life in regret.

So, take the gamble! !

After a slight hesitation, Gu Lan grabbed Aurora without hesitation.

"What is he doing?" Feng Chenglin also noticed something was wrong with Gu Lan: "He doesn't want to catch Ji Guang and let Ji Guang recognize him as his master, right? But hasn't he... tried it before? Isn't he going to die? Seriously, do you want to try again?"

There is no difference between trying this kind of confession of the Lord once and trying it ten thousand times.

If you recognize the Lord, you will recognize the Lord; if you do not recognize the Lord, you will not recognize the Lord.

Even if you acknowledge Him ten thousand times, as long as you don’t acknowledge the Lord, it will still be useless.

It's a pity that before I could finish my words, reality slapped me in the face.

Gu Lan, picked up the Aurora!

Feng Chenglin: "...fuck..."

Ling Luoyu: "...What's going on?"


The two people stood there in disbelief, staring at Gu Lan with big eyes and small eyes.

Gu Lan, who was unable to lift up under the weight of the Aurora before, was very relaxed and casual at this time, holding it in his hand and swinging it twice.

The Aurora was in his hand, as soft as a rope.

Just like before, it was in the hands of both of them.

"Third Young Master...did that Ji Guang guy have a change of heart and see that he can't control me anymore, so he changed his mind and got involved with Gu Lan... and wanted him to be his master?"

"...Possibly!" Ling Luoyu was also confused: "But the artifact of Aurora...isn't it too unprincipled? As the saying goes, a good horse will not turn back to eat the grass. A horse can still feel a little shameful, but if he doesn't eat it, It’s hard to turn back. It’s not like...a divine weapon can be so shameless. After denying others, it licks its face and rushes after others to become its master, right?!”

Judging from Ji Guang's reaction just now, it was obvious that it was chasing Gu Lan.

He even gave up because of this and maintained the balance with the third force.

This is simply convulsions.

"To be honest, if it were before, I would have thought that it would at least have some dignity and not be shameless, but now it seems that it is really shameless..." Feng Chenglin's words were a bit sour and unpleasant.

After all, not long ago, he was the recognized master of Aurora.

But in the blink of an eye, Jiguang dumped him and accepted a guy who had not recognized him as his master before.

what is this?

Where to put his Feng Chenglin's face?

Isn't this the fruit-eating guy slapping him in the face? !

At that moment, he turned away angrily and stopped looking at Gu Lan.

"Third Young Master, what else are you looking at? What is there to look at? Isn't it the same as the two of us before? Isn't it that Aurora is as soft as a rope now and has no moral integrity?"

Ling Luoyu shook his head thoughtfully: "Judging from the situation just now, something is wrong with the Aurora. There seems to be something disturbing it, making it look a little... unusual!"

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