Princess Against the World

Chapter 7438: Run away first-18

Feng Chenglin twitched his mouth: "What's there to disturb that guy? Could it be that he saw a beautiful woman and his heart fluttered?"

Then that guy must have the capital to make waves!

It's a whip, it's a fart!

"Then tell me, how come Aurora has undergone such earth-shaking changes?" Ling Luoyu always felt that something was wrong.

"How do I know? Maybe this guy has convulsions!"

"Even if it's a convulsion, there must be something that makes it convulse, like a switch, a starting point. If the switch is not turned on, it will not be convulsive. But... what is its switch?"

"What switch?" Feng Chenglin was confused when he heard this: "We didn't touch it just now. It turns on and off, and it has nothing to do with us..."

He chuckled and said to himself.

"Perhaps, there is something wrong with this guy himself. If it is not kept intact, it is because of something broken. For example, a certain buckle is missing. This guy is connected with everything. If something is missing, it will be damaged if it is not kept intact. Something went wrong..."

"!" Ling Luoyu murmured to himself, as if he suddenly thought of something and woke up instantly: "It's your screw, that screw is the part, it's the buckle, it's the missing one. thing!"

"...What!?" Feng Chenglin became even more confused.

"Remember that iron nail you picked up?"


Feng Chenglin was stunned for a moment and then understood.

" mean that nail? That nail is...the key??"

This incident really refreshed his outlook and shocked him.

"How is it possible? That nail..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped!

——Why is it impossible?

In terms of material, that nail is exactly the same as Aurora.

No one knows where it jumped out from, maybe it fell from Aurora.

It was because of its existence that Aurora recognized him as its master.

Because both of them had touched the nail, Aurora recognized them both and turned into a soft rope in their hands.

And what about Gu Lan?

Never touched that thing from beginning to end.

Therefore, he was excluded.

"Nail..." Feng Chenglin suddenly realized and immediately groped around on his body.

Sure enough, when I touched it, I found nothing in my arms.

I don't know when the nail disappeared.


I touched it around again to make sure the nail was really gone.

Feng Chenglin was a little depressed: "It must have been thrown out when it was blown up by the tornado, and then it ended up in Gu Lan's hands inexplicably!"

That guy is really good at picking up bargains.

It was such a coincidence that Gu Lan saw Nail and became Aurora's new owner.

For a time, Feng Chenglin became even more disappointed.

"I thought it was because I was strong enough that that guy recognized me as his master. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be just because of a small nail?!"

Ling Luoyu patted him on the back hard: "Brother, remember, a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise? Since ancient times, blessings and misfortunes depend on them, misfortunes are caused by blessings, and blessings and misfortunes complement each other. No one knows, what? What kind of things are blessings, what kind of things are disasters..."

Feng Chenglin immediately thought of what happened when he was controlled by Aurora just now!

Thinking about it carefully, isn't this kind of relaxation what he wants and pursues?

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