Princess Against the World

Chapter 7439: Run away first-19


Having nothing to do and being light-hearted is called blessing! !

Thinking this way, I felt a lot more comfortable.

"But then again, that guy should be... such a smart person. He should have guessed that the nail is unusual, right?! But he still dares to do it, isn't he afraid of becoming like me just now?"

He didn't see what he looked like just now.

But I guess Gu Lan must have seen it.

Now that he has seen it, he still dares to let Ji Guang recognize him as his master. This guy is either very courageous or he is a bit gambler in his heart!

He wanted to take a gamble.

Bet on yourself whether it will be a result like his.

"This guy is really ambitious. Isn't he afraid that he will become a complete puppet? Or is he so sure of winning that he thinks he won't lose?"

Gu Lan already holds Aurora in his hands.

Ling Luoyu suddenly suggested: "Fat man, should we go over and take a look?"

The reason why she appears here is because of Gu Lan's design.

Then, what happened next should have absolutely something to do with Gu Lan.

So, she wanted to go and have a look.

Let’s see what happens after Ji Guang and Gu Lan recognize their masters?

"Let's go, just take a look!"

Feng Chenglin just wanted to see if Gu Lan would also be tricked by Aurora and become a walking zombie.

Just as the two people stood up and walked over, Gu Lan's body suddenly became stiff, and the aurora suddenly turned into a white light on his hand.

Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin subconsciously closed their eyes and turned their heads at the same time.

When the light disappeared, the two people looked at each other.

They all understood what the white light just meant.

That is Aurora recognizing its master.

Without turning around at this time, both of them could understand what was waiting for them.

After the two turned around, as expected, they saw a somewhat strange Gu Lan.

He stood there with his head lowered and his hands hanging down by his side as if powerlessly.

"Mr. Gu?" Ling Luoyu called from afar.

No one responded.

Ling Luoyu just wanted to move forward, but was grabbed by Feng Chenglin's hand.

"That guy looks abnormal at first glance. He's very weird. Why are you going up there to join in the fun?"

At this moment, shouldn't the two of them be as far away as possible and hide themselves first? !

Before he finished speaking, Gu Lan suddenly raised his head.

After Feng Chenglin saw it, he couldn't help but said "fuck".

Sure enough, it was just as they thought.

Even with Gu Lan's willpower and cultivation, he was unable to withstand the powerful power of Aurora and was backlashed by him.

At this time, Gu Lan's eyes were filled with bottomless black, filled with fierce light.

Looking at Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin was like looking at two dead people.

"You didn't expect it, did you? We met again..."

Feng Chenglin calmly stepped back: "I'm not telling you, the two of us are master and servant after all. You are so quick to change your mind. I am not willing to separate from you yet. , you found a new master right away...what's the matter, I won't let you have sex, so you have sex with him?!"

Gu Lan tilted his head, grinned sinisterly.

"Anyone who makes a contract with me seems to be unwilling to say so. Aren't you also willing to make a contract with me?"

"I was deceived by you. If I had known that you would turn against me and make me a puppet, and you would be my master, control my body, and do whatever you want, would I not have made a contract with you?"

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