Princess Against the World

Chapter 7445 The price paid-4

Gu Lan's expression remained calm from beginning to end, as if what Ling Luoyu said had nothing to do with him.

Feng Chenglin could feel that there seemed to be some kind of tacit understanding between Ling Luoyu and Gu Lan.

What this tacit understanding was, he couldn't figure out for a while, and he didn't dare to interrupt randomly. He could only stand there silently, looking at the two people.

The three of them were like this, you looked at me, I looked at you, no one said a word.

The atmosphere between the three people gradually became a little weird.

In the end, it was Gu Lan who broke the deadlock between them first.

"My question is the same as your brother's. Since at the beginning, you didn't believe me, had doubts about me, and thought I would do evil things to you, why did you let me send you away?"

Ling Luoyu smiled half-heartedly: "Given Mr. Gu's ability, don't you know?"

"Does Miss Ling think highly of me? How would I know?"

"Didn't Mr. Gu take a peek at his future?"

"..." Gu Lan suddenly fell silent.

"Mr. Gu, with your ability, haven't you ever peeked into the sky, asked about your future, and don't you know what the wrath of thunder is?"

"...Wrath of Thunder?!" Gu Lan's expression completely changed.

"I don't know what Mr. Gu has experienced, but I can guess that you must have been exposed to the Wrath of Thunder, that's why you appeared in the Tomb of the Human Emperor!"

Ling Luoyu guessed that even though Gu Lan didn't know everything about his future and past, he must have touched these things.

"I think Mr. Gu should have guessed... In the future, there will be crossover between the two of us. That is to say, you must ensure that I am alive. Only if I am alive can I come back here one day in the future. , when you and I meet again, the relationship between the two of us is like a cycle. If any one of us leaves, then this cycle will not exist..."

Ling Luoyu seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and spoke very slowly.

Every time he said something, he watched his expression.

Through his transformation, she was reaffirmed.

"It's just that I'm not sure whether the Mr. Gu I will meet in the future will be Aurora or Gulan!!"

Gu Lan lowered his head and smiled: "Since you are not sure, why do you still dare to bet? Aren't you afraid of losing the bet?"

"As long as Mr. Gu dares to bet, I will bet! Because I have nothing..."

Such is the mind of a gambler.

Are you afraid of wearing shoes if you are barefoot?

Now between the two of them, Gu Lan has more desire to survive and more desire than her.

What this man wants is definitely far more than the spatial world in front of him.

He wanted something more.

No matter whether this desire comes from Aurora or Gulan itself.

In short, he wanted much more than that.

Now that you have something you want, you will have fears.

With fear, one does not dare to change the surrounding pattern easily.

Including this girl who came from the future! !

Because even Gu Lan himself is not sure how the world will change once he takes action against her.

That's why Ling Luoyu dared to give it a try.

Dare to bet with him!

Bet he wanted more, bet he didn't dare to kill her! !

"You win!" Gu Lan suddenly said.

Three simple words, but it already explains everything.

"I can send you away and return to your original world, but... I need you to promise me something!"

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