Princess Against the World

Chapter 7446 The price paid -5

Ling Luoyu looked into his eyes: "Mr. Gu, do you still have conditions? OK, let's talk about it!"

"I want you to do something for me in the future - kill someone!"

"Killing people in the future?" Ling Luoyu became curious: "Killing people in the future... No matter what kind of relationship this person has with you or what the consequences are, it has no meaning to you now. Besides, you How can we know the future..."

She paused and her pupils shrank.

"You... saw your future in Thunderfury?"

"Before I met you, I wasn't sure whether what I saw was my future, but after meeting you, everything matched what I saw, so I'm sure, That future will also happen, so I want you to help me kill him!"

"As long as I can do it, as long as I can kill him, I will definitely help you kill him!"

Ling Luoyu shrugged indifferently, and Yun Danfeng agreed in one breath.

"Who do you want to kill?"



Feng Chenglin thought he heard wrongly and subconsciously asked, "Who do you want to kill?"

Ling Luoyu frowned slightly and looked at Gu Lan thoughtfully: "Are you serious?"

Gu Lan really thought seriously for a while and nodded.

"I am very sure!"

"No, wait a minute, you confused me!" Feng Chenglin gestured to Gu Lan to shut up: "You, you want her to kill your future self?"

What does this guy do?

Why should someone else kill him?

Ling Luoyu lowered his eyes: "The person you want to kill shouldn't be you, but Gu Lan, right?!"

Feng Chenglin: "..."

Damn it! !

Once you hear it, there is quite a story!

What exactly happened?

"I want you to ask him a question before you kill him. If his answer doesn't match the answer I gave him, then you have to kill him!"


Ling Luoyu understood.

The current Gulan is not completely sure whether the Gulan in the future will be Gulan or Aurora.

Therefore, he must set a safe password for himself.

If Gu Lan in the future can match this security code, it will be Aurora Benguang.

Otherwise, it’s Gu Lan!

And she was going to kill Gu Lan.

"Yes!" Ling Luoyu agreed readily: "I think you should also know very well that in the future, the relationship between the two of us will also be life and death. Therefore, you can rest assured that if he cannot answer the question If so, I will definitely kill him!"


Gu Lan hooked her fingers and asked Ling Luoyu to step forward and whisper a few words in her ear.

Ling Luoyu raised his eyebrows: "Do you want to ask that?"


Ling Luoyu smiled: "But you are not afraid that the result of asking this question will be the same as your answer?"

Gu Lan also smiled: "It won't be the same as my answer, because my answer is..."

His voice was lower.

Feng Chenglin tilted his head, trying his best to hear clearly what the two of them were talking about.

What a pity, before he heard it, Ling Luoyu nodded in agreement.

"Okay! Deal! This answer is really unexpected. I guess no one except you would have such a perverted answer!"

Gu Lan opened his hands and made an invitation gesture: "I will not stop you anymore. The way to leave is over there, you know it very well!"

Feng Chenglin:...

What do you mean?

The way out is right under their noses? !

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