Princess Against the World

Chapter 7447 The price paid-6

Ling Luoyu also hesitated: "This time, those inexplicable things shouldn't happen again, right?"

"Definitely not!" Gu Lan clapped his hands and invited again: "I wanted to control you before, so I used some tricks and played a little space game. But now, the way you came here is indeed It’s also the exit to go back. As long as I don’t do anything, you can go back safely!”

Feng Chenglin still expressed doubts about his words, but Ling Luoyu seemed to believe him deeply, said hello, and turned to leave.

"Third Young Master..."

Do you really believe this guy?

Is it a little too hasty?

If he does anything else, I'm afraid it will be difficult for them to come back!

"Fat man!" Ling Luoyu whispered softly.

"...But, we..."

Feng Chenglin wanted to say something else, but after looking at Gu Lan and then at Ling Luoyu's back, he finally decided to just shut up and follow Ling Luoyu.

I came to the cave again and saw the wall from before.

"Fat man, as long as we go over there, we can go back to the original world!"

Feng Chenglin still had some psychological resistance to this: "But why do I always feel that something is wrong? Will that guy be so kind? Will the two of us... be trapped in this wall with all our clothes on, unable to get out? Already?"

"He doesn't dare to do anything!"

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because he and I will have an intersection in the future. Once I disappear, his future trajectory will also change. Then, he may not be able to wait... for the moment when I kill him!"

"Speaking of killing him, I don't understand even more. Why would he kill his future self?! Could it be... just because that guy might be Gu Lan instead of him?!"

Ling Luoyu shook his head: "I'm not too sure, but those are all things in the future. Let's take it one step at a time. We'll talk about those things when the time comes. For now, the priority is getting out of here!"

There must be a reason for Ji Guang to kill Gu Lan, who may not be her in the future.

Leave him alone!

Get out of here first! !

"Fat man, follow me!"

After experiencing so many things, to be honest, Ling Luoyu had lingering fears about leaving this time.

Who knows if they will really leave safely after a while, or if other messy things will happen again.

It was the first time for Feng Chenglin to cross such a wall. He was a little nervous, but he still smiled: "Don't worry, I will definitely follow your footsteps, and there will be no mistakes!"

The two people intertwined their fingers, you looked at me, I looked at you.

In the end, under the leadership of Ling Luoyu, they crossed the pitch-black barrier together.

When he felt that there was nothing else in front of him, Feng Chenglin was the first to open his eyes.


He yelled and took a step back subconsciously.

But he suddenly bumped into someone behind him.


Ling Luoyu screamed in pain, his nose was hit and he was so sore instantly.

"Damn fat man, what's your name? Damn it!"

"I saw... I saw a few, but I don't know if they are ghosts..."

Feng Chenglin muttered and slowly stepped aside.

Not far away, there was a jumping fire.

Around the fire, there were several figures sitting.

Perhaps hearing some movement here, they all turned their heads and stared at the two of them motionlessly.

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