Princess Against the World

Chapter 7449 The price paid-8

The few people Ling Luoyu sent out from the Human Emperor's Ancient Tomb were now beside the bonfire.

Seeing that something was wrong with Ling Luoyu, they all came over.

"Need help?" Lingyu walked directly to Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo looked at him dumbfounded: "You, can you walk over?"

Spiritual Realm: "...of course!"

There is nothing in front of me, why can't I walk through?

What he said was simply incomprehensible.

Who knows, Xiao Mo looked at him, then at himself, and tried to take two more steps.

In the end, he still stood there dejectedly.

"What's wrong with me?"

Ling Luoyu didn't explain, and walked quickly towards Feng Chenglin: "Fat man, what's going on?"

"I don't know, it's fine, but here, I suddenly can't walk... I can move my hands, but I can't move my legs. What the hell is this?"

Feng Chenglin looked at Xiao Mo. He was far away and couldn't see his face clearly.

"What about that guy? Is he like me and unable to leave?"

Seeing Ling Luoyu nodding, he immediately laughed.

"This is much more fun. Could it be because one of us is from the past life and the other is from this life, so we two...are mutually exclusive and cannot meet?"

This is currently the only most likely explanation.

Ling Luoyu looked at him, not smiling, not as relaxed as he thought.

Feng Chenglin's smile gradually faded: "What's wrong, Third Young something wrong again?"

To be honest, psychologically, I was most afraid of seeing Ling Luoyu looking so serious.

Because this means that even she has encountered something difficult to solve.

"If you two just can't see each other and there is an insurmountable distance between you, then this will be easy to handle..."

Anyway, one of them is from a previous life and the other is a close relative, so there is no need to meet.

It's okay to separate and be safe on your own.

"What I'm afraid of is... that other inexplicable things will happen again, because now... we still haven't returned to the space we were in before, we are still in the past!!"

After this series of things happened, Ling Luoyu no longer had any good illusions about these things.

Think of the worst in everything.

"If the two of us don't meet, then we won't meet. What else can happen?" Feng Chenglin felt guilty: "As you said, between the two of us, one is in the past and the other is in the future. Even if it is... So what if we are one person? What’s more, we are not one person, in a sense, we are two completely different people!”

Even if there is some inexplicable bond between them, it is just a fateful bond, and it won't be this kind of face-to-face incident, right? !

"I hope so!" Ling Luoyu murmured and swallowed the rest of the words.

If things were just that simple, she wouldn't have to worry at all.

Just be afraid...

The whole thing is going to have many complications, and it won't end so easily.

"Miss Ling," Lingyu walked over quickly at this time, looked at Feng Chenglin and nodded in greeting: "When did you come in? Are you trapped too?"

"Trapped?" What Feng Chenglin couldn't hear the most right now were these two words: "Aren't we all... already out? Why are we still trapped again?"

"...Come out?" Lingyu looked at Ling Luoyu with confusion: "Miss Ling, you guys... didn't just come out from the Tomb of the Human Emperor God, right?"

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