Princess Against the World

Chapter 7450 The price paid-9

As he said that, he took another focused look at Feng Chenglin.

There was some inexplicable wariness in his eyes.

Why didn't he remember that this guy existed in the matter about the Human Emperor's Divine Tomb? !

Feng Chenglin: "What is the Human Emperor's Divine Tomb, you, you... where did you meet?"

Why is this whole thing such a mess? !

Lingyu's expression was also wrong: ", didn't you meet there?"

Could it be that besides the Tomb of the Human Emperor, they were trapped in another place, so they met? !

"If that's the case, then this matter is a bit... messy!"

He pointed to the few people who had not moved around the campfire.

"Have you seen a few of them? They always say something I don't understand. I suspect... they may have come from other places, just like you before, they were also trapped, and then... no You know why, everyone is gathered here..."

Feng Chenglin: "...fuck..."

Is there such a thing? !

Over there, Xiao Mo was running back and forth like a convulsion.

He wanted to break the invisible restriction and come here.

But no matter what, it ended in failure.

He was so angry that he could only stand there and scream.

His move finally attracted the attention of several other people.

They all stood up and walked over to Ling Luoyu in front of Xiao Mo.

Seeing that they could travel freely, Xiao Mo became even more anxious.

"Why can't I get through?"

Ling Luoyu suddenly looked at Feng Chenglin: "Fat man, take a step back..."

Feng Chenglin glanced at Xiao Mo, understood what she meant, and took two steps back.

He retreated without warning, while Xiao Mo was desperately pushing forward angrily.

With great force, he suddenly fell out.

Without checking for a moment, he fell to the ground, bruised and swollen.

However, he only fell two steps away, and then he was stopped again as if he hit an invisible barrier.

Ling Luoyu looked at Feng Chenglin.

Feng Chenglin said with an innocent face: "I didn't make him fall..."

He didn't even think that that guy would fall like this.

"You take two steps forward!"

Feng Chenglin immediately took two big steps forward.

Xiao Mo, on the other hand, flew backwards without any warning, as if someone had kicked him twice.

It rolled over several times in embarrassment before stopping.

At this time, everyone else saw this strange phenomenon, and their expressions became solemn.

Lingyu's eyes wandered over Feng Chenglin and Xiao Mo: "What's the relationship between the two of them? It seems... they can't tolerate each other?"

Just like the two poles of yin and yang, they always repel each other, and within a certain range, they can never come into contact.

"It doesn't matter who they are, what matters is that this space is not normal!"

Ling Luoyu glanced sideways and looked at the people around him.

These people were dressed differently, had different skin colors, and their facial features had obvious racial characteristics. They really seemed to have gathered together from all over the world.

"Don't you understand what they say?" Ling Luoyu whispered.

Lingyu's voice was not covered at all, and he didn't care at all: "Miss Ling, you don't need to be so careful when you speak, they really can't understand... We have been here for so many days, and we communicate with each other through sign language. By gesticulating with each other, I could barely understand it..."

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