Princess Against the World

Chapter 7456 The price paid-15

After saying this, Feng Chenglin also realized it.

Yes, if it is really nothingness, a non-existent thing, what else can the Soul Blade fight? !

Feeling lonely?

But look at it now, the soul blade and that thing are fighting fiercely, with lightning and sparks all the way!

Obviously, that thing actually exists.

Feng Chenglin suddenly became energetic and his eyes widened like blood.

"This grandson actually still has his original body shape?! Okay! As long as it has a shape, I can beat it into being shapeless!!"

As long as it's not an invisible, intangible, ghost-like form, it doesn't matter to him.

What Ling Luoyu wanted was his confidence.

"What's wrong, you're not scared anymore?"

Feng Chenglin suddenly rolled his eyes: "When have I ever been afraid of these things?"

Doesn't she know what he is afraid of?

If ghosts could be seen and touched, he would not be afraid.

Ling Luoyu glanced sideways in amusement: "Then let's go up. Let's work together to attack this thing, one behind the other, to see what it is!"

"no problem!"

Feng Chenglin was waiting for this opportunity, and he was immediately eager to give it a try.

As long as he fights side by side with Ling Luoyu, he has nothing to fear, even if it means death.

At that moment, the beast's power exploded to the extreme.

It was at that moment that both of them felt the resistance of that spark.

Sparks seemed to know that the two of them were about to join forces to deal with it, so he actually took the lead and burst out with a burst of power.

The moment this power exploded, Feng Chenglin and Ling Luoyu were both on guard in a tacit understanding.

Ling Luoyu formed a barrier with the chaotic soul, condensed it into a shield, and withstood the attack of that force.

From behind, Feng Chenglin's beastly power burst out.

His power is tough and best suited for follow-up attacks.

There was a barrier set up by Ling Luoyu in front of him as a shield, so he could devote all his energy and boldly put all his power on the shield to withstand the attack of that force.

What I didn't expect was...

The moment this force exploded with attack power, it suddenly deflected.

Ling Luoyu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Later, he understood the true intention of this power.

It does not deal with two people in all aspects.

Instead, the focus was on Feng Chenglin! !

This power seemed to know that Feng Chenglin had now exhausted his beastly power.

Now he is just a pure, fragile body.

Without protection, a simple blow from this power could completely obliterate and crush him.

Ling Luoyu's eyes changed suddenly, and he suddenly raised his hand, turning the barrier into a shield, and turned towards Feng Chenglin's direction.

Feng Chenglin also sensed the threat at the same time, and immediately wanted to curse: "Is this guy so smart?!"

Fortunately, Ling Luoyu was fast enough. When the force reached him, he formed a barrier again and withstood the blow for him.

But in this way, Ling Luoyu was able to shoulder everything by himself.

Suddenly, the blood surged.

Although he tried his best to suppress the hot blood in his chest. In the end I couldn't hold it back.


Blood spurts out.

The splattering blood instantly formed a humanoid shape in front of her.

Feng Chenglin originally looked at Ling Luoyu subconsciously after hearing her vomiting blood.

However, all his attention was attracted by the humanoid shape.

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