Princess Against the World

Chapter 7457 The price paid-16

After a moment of confusion, he suddenly yelled.

"Holy shit...what the hell is that?"

At the same time, he almost crawled over on his hands and knees, grabbed Ling Luoyu's arm, and pulled him back violently.

After Ling Luoyu was pulled by him, he realized what he was doing and ran away quickly.

Fortunately, the humanoid thing seemed to be frightened by him, and looked at him blankly, but did not pursue them.

It was such a delay that the two sides distanced themselves and maintained a certain safety line.

Under the blood, there seems to be an invisible person.

Following the dripping of blood, a general human shape was also outlined.

There was no more fighting between the two sides, and Xiao Mo, Ling Yu and others gradually recovered their vision.

After seeing this blood-shaped invisible man, they were all frightened, screaming and running back.

Amid their shouts, the figure of a man gradually became clearer.

He still lowered his head, seeming to be looking at himself in disbelief.

And his surprised look seemed to be even more extreme than everyone else! !

"...What is that guy doing? Why does he look more scared than us looking at him?" Feng Chenglin was keenly aware of the change in the man's expression.

Ling Luoyu was awakened by his words: "Maybe...he himself didn't expect that he would reveal his figure in such a state!"

"...Huh?!" Feng Chenglin was stunned.

That guy is not a fool. Don’t you know what he is like?

As for the state after revealing his figure.

"You're not saying that this guy hasn't seen what he... looks like, are you?"

"He must know what he looks like, but he didn't expect that I would spit out a mouthful of blood..."

Ling Luoyu suddenly patted Feng Chenglin.

"Fat man, you spit out a mouthful of his blood..."

Feng Chenglin: "..."

Are you kidding me?

Does this mouthful of blood mean that you can spit it out if you spit it out?

Besides, if you don’t spit out this mouthful of blood, what’s the point?

The guy has shown himself.

However, Ling Luoyu's eyes left no room for negotiation.

He could only smile coquettishly: "Then... how about you slap me until I vomit blood?"

Ling Luoyu suddenly grabbed his left hand, and after swiping it across the soul blade, he suddenly raised his hand and spilled the blood.

The blood dripped on the man's body, but disappeared as if passing through nothingness.

Feng Chenglin: "... Damn it, what's going on? Am I dazzled?"

He looked at his hand in disbelief and raised it again.

Just like before, the blood passed through the man's body and disappeared.

Feng Chenglin: "..."

What the hell, are we going to see a ghost again?

"Third Young Master...what the hell is going on?"

If this man is still as transparent as before, then everything is easy to say.

It can also be explained that his blood disappeared after passing through the transparent place.

But what about now?

This man is a real person! !

But when his blood fell on him, it was as if it was absorbed instantly and disappeared without a trace.

The terrible thing is that there are no traces of blood even on his clothes.

This is really weird.

The man also noticed this and slowly raised his head, his eyes wandering between Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin.

Then, he slowly looked at the others.

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