Princess Against the World

Chapter 7458 The price paid-17

Lingyu was the first to react, found a dagger, opened his palm, and sprinkled the blood on the man.

Like Ling Luoyu, his blood was also stained on the man's body, which seemed to make his figure clearer!

When everyone was stunned, Lingyu grabbed another person next to him, cut his hand open, followed the same pattern, and sprinkled the blood on the man.

Seeing this, other people also cut their palms.

The man did not hide and allowed everyone's blood to fall on him.

After seeing it, Feng Chenglin felt bad.

"...I'm so fucking fucked!!"

What does this mean?

Why can other people's blood leave traces on a man's body, but his blood can't.

Suddenly, his face turned extremely pale.

He took two steps back, his body was in danger, and he looked at his hands tremblingly.

"Third Young Master, Third Young Master... tell me, tell me the truth, don't lie to me, for the sake of us... we got to know each other, tell me... am I already dead?"

Later, he started to cry.

To be honest, he wasn't afraid of death.

The fear is that if you die in a foreign country, even your bones will not be able to return to your hometown.

Before he finished speaking, he saw the way Ling Luoyu looked at him... something was wrong!

At that moment, I felt even more desperate.

"It's over. Am I really dead? I'm going to die in a foreign country..."

Before he finished speaking, Ling Luoyu slapped him across the face with a "pop" sound.

Caught off guard, he yelled "Ah".

He covered his cheeks and looked at Ling Luoyu in confusion. He didn't dare to speak for a while and didn't know what he had done wrong.

"Three...Three Young Masters??"

"Does it hurt??"


"Then you're not dead yet. If you're dead, you won't feel the pain!"


Feng Chenglin blinked his eyes and seemed to suddenly wake up.

"Yeah, if I die, will I still feel pain? Haha..."

He smiled and suddenly became energetic.

But soon, I realized something was wrong.

"But why should I use your blood if it can make it live?"

"...Perhaps, this is why we are here!" Ling Luoyu tilted his head and looked at the man with burning eyes.

From beginning to end, this man just stood here, watching them without speaking or moving.

Feng Chenglin looked at everyone thoughtfully: "Yes, aren't you all wondering why you are here?"

There are so many random, unrelated people, but they all appear here inexplicably.

Why? ?

This is the answer!

When he was confused, the man suddenly took action.

He stretched his hands to both sides and grasped the void.

The two people in the opposite direction suddenly burst into tears without warning, their bodies trembling non-stop, and screams coming from their mouths.

Along with their screams, the bodies of the two people withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Feng Chenglin shouted and pulled Ling Luoyu back.

"What the fuck is this?"

They thought that this guy suddenly stopped because he discovered that several of them had some unexplainable involvement with him.

Unexpectedly, the next step would develop to such a cruel point.

It seems that this man should be very clear about the relationship formed here! !

At the same time, other people also noticed the strangeness and fled back in panic.

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