Princess Against the World

Chapter 7465 Nemesis-4

Before they could react, he stretched out his hands and grabbed the two people's necks instantly.

In front of everyone's eyes, the bodies of the two people were like shriveled eggplants. In an instant, they withered and turned into human beings.

Several other people saw that the situation was not good and turned around and ran away.

But no matter how fast they are, can they be faster than the weapon spirit?

Before they turned around and ran two steps, they had already fallen into the hands of the weapon spirit.

As expected, he also turned into a mummy in the blink of an eye.

Ling Luoyu: "..."

This is the legendary pig teammate.

To say that they failed in many things and failed in many things is to praise them! !

Do these people really know what they are doing? ?

Why doesn't she take action?

It's because she is no match for Qi Ling! !

Even she is no match for the weapon spirit. What can these guys do if they get together! ?

Although they have good intentions and may be trying to help! !

But, at a time like this, just standing still is already a big help, right? ?

it's good now! !

All the hard work has been wasted! !

Why does this guy Qi Ling have to have a few of them alive here?

Naturally, it’s to supplement yourself with nutrients!

What now?

You get what you want! !

The few of them rushed up, giving this guy a shot of chicken blood and a bottle of nutrient solution.

Originally, Feng Chenglin had already gained the upper hand in the fight.

But these people are bleeding...

have to! !

The weapon spirit is resurrected with full blood!

It’s so damn good to fight! !

Although the guys who helped were kind-hearted, they even risked their lives for it.

But Ling Luoyu still couldn't help but complain: When you don't understand anything, can't you just be an audience quietly?

As a quiet and beautiful man, doesn't he look good?

Why do you have to risk your own life to kill your opponent for supplies? !

It’s really fatal! !

After absorbing the lives of two people, the weapon spirit became even more arrogant.

The eyes looking at Feng Chenglin and Ling Luoyu were full of violence and blood.

In his opinion, these two people must die here today, otherwise, he is afraid there will be no tomorrow.

Therefore, no matter what, the culprit must be killed.

Qi Ling tilted his head and moved his body.

From beginning to end, his eyes were locked on Ling Luoyu.

Feng Chenglin realized something was wrong: "Third Young Master, this guy looks like he's going to kill you today!"

"He's not stupid, so he certainly won't let me go!"

Not to mention, this weapon spirit itself is very smart.

He knows how to avoid the most important things and what his weaknesses are.

Then he must also know very well that she, Ling Luoyu, is the master of this game.

By killing her, Feng Chenglin and others would lose their backbone.

For this game that has lost its backbone, Qi Ling can definitely win the final victory with its absolute advantage.

If she were a weapon spirit, she would also find a way to get rid of herself immediately! !

Feng Chenglin held the soul blade in his hand and slashed in front of him, tilting his head slightly and speaking comfortingly.

"Third Young Master, don't worry. With me in front of you, let alone one of his weapon spirits, even if there are ten or eight clones, I will knock them all down..."

I really don’t know what Qi Ling is thinking. He knows clearly that he is not his opponent, but he still wants to take advantage of Ling Luoyu. How is this possible?

As long as he is around for a day and can breathe, he will never let anyone hurt Ling Luoyu in the slightest.

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