Princess Against the World

Chapter 7466 Nemesis-5

Who knows——

Ling Luoyu suddenly whispered: "Actually, if it can cause a little harm, it's not bad... isn't it a good thing?"

She seemed to be talking to herself, but also seemed to be afraid that her voice would be too loud and startle the weapon spirit opposite.

Feng Chenglin couldn't help but frown: "Third Young Master, what do you mean? Do you want me to... hurt him a little bit, or do you want him to... hurt me a little bit?"

To be honest, he really couldn't figure out where this injury came from! ?

Why didn't he see any benefit at all?

Ling Luoyu suddenly turned around and whispered in his ear: "Fat man, find an opportunity and let him hurt me..."


Feng Chenglin thought he heard wrongly, widened his eyes curiously, turned his head and looked at her.

"Third Young Master, are you really lying?"

"What do you think?"

"……All right……"

Feng Chenglin saw confirmation from Ling Luoyu's eyes and knew that she was not joking, so he nodded and agreed.

But that being said, if he really wanted to do it, he wouldn't dare to let it go boldly.

He won't die if he is injured, but if Ling Luoyu is injured, it will be a real injury.

Therefore, he must keep an eye on the guy opposite him at all times.

As for Qi Ling, now, all the targets are only Ling Luoyu.

Because the few people he absorbed just now were not enough to make up for the energy he consumed.

And the huge power contained in Ling Luoyu made him feel itchy.

He knew very well in his heart that he only needed to absorb Ling Luoyu's power and make it his own.

Then, Feng Chenglin's injury should be nothing to him.

Therefore, amidst Feng Chenglin's provocation, he openly built the plank road and secretly visited Chen Cang.

Although on the surface, the weapon spirit's attack moves were all aimed at Feng Chenglin.

But looking at the right time, he still passed him with a killing blow and killed Ling Luoyu who was hiding behind.

Little did he know that the opportunity he was targeting was exactly the flaw Feng Chenglin deliberately sold.

Because both of them hope that Ling Luoyu will be hurt a little bit.

At the moment when a cold light was about to fall, Ling Luoyu jumped up and retreated backwards.

Feng Chenglin didn't seem to know that Ling Luoyu had been attacked, but he still tried his best to fight against the weapon spirit.

Who knew...


The soul blade slashed towards the weapon spirit.

This time the weapon spirit did not escape.

He forcefully faced the Soul Blade's killing move with his own body.

Feng Chenglin's pupils suddenly shrank, and he couldn't help but raise his brows.

"……This guy……"

Are you seeking death?

This is not his style! !

There must be some trick! !

But now, he has no choice!

There was no hesitation in rescuing people, and he killed them without hesitation.

As expected, the soul blade passed through the body of the weapon spirit as if it was killing in the air.

At this moment, the spiritual realm also discovered clues, and subconsciously roared.

"Phantom, this is his phantom, behind... behind you..."

He didn't need to remind him, Feng Chenglin also saw something was wrong in the corner of his eyes.

The figure of the weapon spirit gradually faded in front of him and disappeared bit by bit.

But behind him, the disappearing figure of the weapon spirit became more and more obvious.

Before Feng Chenglin could turn around, the cold light in Qi Ling's hand suddenly appeared.

However, instead of sneaking up on Feng Chenglin from behind, he was chasing after the unsuspecting Ling Luoyu like a ghost.

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