Princess Against the World

Chapter 7467 Nemesis-6

Ling Luoyu was alerted that something was wrong. He suddenly turned over and jumped up, retreating repeatedly.

But no matter how she dodges, the aura in the weapon spirit's hand still pursues her like a shadow.

Even though she tried to dodge repeatedly, she still couldn't avoid the cold light's attack.

The moment he dodged sideways, a bloody gash was cut on his waist.

Pain rushes through me.

But at that moment, her survival instinct seemed to be stimulated.

But when the weapon spirit's cold light was about to attack again and continue to hurt deeply, she jumped out of the way.


The cold light flew away a section of his clothes, splashing a bunch of blood drops and falling on the face of the weapon spirit.

At the same time, Ling Luoyu ducked across in embarrassment, and then avoided the killing moves that followed one after another.

Feng Chenglin also reacted quickly, turned around immediately, and the soul blade came out of his hand, killing the weapon spirit.

This time, the weapon spirit did not dare to attack him head-on. Instead, he pulled away and dodged back, avoiding the murderous intention of the soul blade.

"Third Young Master, how are you?"

Feng Chenglin conveniently supported Ling Luoyu and helped her sit down.

"Did it hurt any vital parts?"

Although he knew that Ling Luoyu had done this intentionally.

But the moment he saw blood flying everywhere and his clothes torn to pieces, Feng Chenglin's face couldn't help but turn pale, without any color at all.

"I'm fine..." Ling Luoyu pressed the wound with her palm, blood dripping down her fingers.

She said she was fine, but her body was swaying, as if she was seriously injured.

Feng Chenglin was about to check her wound when he suddenly heard a strong wind in his ears.

The soul blade suddenly took off at that moment, lying in front of the two of them without any hesitation.


Blocked the cold light of the weapon spirit.

At this time, when they looked carefully, they discovered that the cold light was actually a small three-edged thorn.

Surrounding the sharp three-sided thorns, there are some barbs as thick as hair and as long as fingernails.

If one is stabbed by a three-sided thorn, the three-sided slot of the three-sided thorn will act like a drainage trough, draining and drawing out the blood of the injured person.

With such a large amount of blood flowing back, within half a stick of incense, the injured person would bleed to death due to excessive blood loss.

And if the injured person wants to pull out the three-sided thorns, those nail-like barbs will also bring out countless flesh and blood, causing the injured person unbearable pain.

Feng Chenglin and Ling Luoyu were stunned for a moment when they saw the three-edged thorn.

This was the first time they had seen such a vicious weapon.

And at the moment when they were stunned, the tip of the triangular thorn suddenly swelled.


Skyrocketing! !

Ling Luoyu, who was directly opposite, never expected that the weapon would suddenly grow longer.

In such a stunned moment, the three-edged thorn pierced Ling Luoyu's body.

The sudden heartbreaking pain made her frown instantly.

The blood surged upward.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Third Young Master..."

Feng Chenglin never dreamed that Ling Luoyu would be so seriously injured under his nose.

He grabbed the three-edged thorn and subconsciously pulled it out.

But the moment he pulled it out, Ling Luoyu screamed in pain.

"Don't touch it..."

Only then did Feng Chenglin realize that his palm had been pierced by the barbs on the surface of the prism.

And each of these small barbs has a triangular shape.

The densely packed barbs are like countless ducts, sucking blood out like vampires.

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