Princess Against the World

Chapter 7468 Nemesis-7

"Fat man, let go, let go..."

Ling Luoyu's face was pale and his whole body was shaking with pain, but he still grabbed Feng Chenglin's wrist and motioned him to slowly let go.

"I'm fine, just let go and I'll take my time..."

Feng Chenglin realized that he was too reckless, but now, he had no other choice.

"Third Young Master, you...your injury..."

Ling Luoyu's eyes deepened: "I'm fine, I can control it. Fortunately, my heart was not hurt..."

Although the injury was expected, she did it on purpose.

But the extent of the injury was beyond her expectation.

She knew very well that if the place where the three-edged thorn had just hit was her heart, then almost all of her blood would have been sucked out.

But just because they don't move doesn't mean that the weapon spirit will stay calm.

After seeing Ling Luoyu being stabbed by a triangular thorn, a ferocious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

What he was waiting for was now.

He had to wait until Ling Luoyu was injured and his combat effectiveness was compromised before he could do whatever he wanted.

He held his right hand in the air, as if grabbing a triangular thorn, and jerked it back.

Ling Luoyu was unprepared, and the three-edged thorn was pulled out by him.

As she screamed in pain, blood spurted out.

"Third Young Master..." Feng Chenglin's expression changed drastically and he quickly caught Ling Luoyu who fell down.

At this time, a bloody wound was clearly visible on her chest.

Ling Luoyu hadn't suffered such a heavy blow for a long time.

At that moment, his face turned pale and his clothes were wet with cold sweat.

She lay in Feng Chenglin's arms with a pale face: "Let's go..."

"Third Young Master..."



Ling Luoyu knew very well that if she was seriously injured like this, Feng Chenglin would have to devote half of his mind to taking care of her.

Originally, he had no advantage in the battle with the weapon spirit. If his thoughts were separated again, he would only be at a disadvantage.

Although he himself will not be harmed by the weapon spirit, she will.

Once the weapon spirit inflicts harm on her, Feng Chenglin will definitely go crazy.

And if his mind is confused, then the two of them will have no chance of winning again in this long chaos.

Therefore, Feng Chenglin must leave here first.

At the same time, the weapon spirit missed the target and pounced again.

Take advantage of people's illness and kill them.

Ling Luoyu was seriously injured, and this was a good time to get rid of her.

As long as she uses her power as her own...

Then, in this world, there are really not many people who can hold him.

Therefore, this time, the weapon spirit's attack must be a hit.


Just as the three-edged thorns were flying and whizzing towards Ling Luoyu, she suddenly flicked her fingers and tore the void apart.

Together with the three-edged thorns, everyone passed through the void together.

After the darkness swallowed them up, the space returned to its original state again,

Qi Ling froze in place at that moment.

Only when the empty world in front of him told him that all this was true did he understand it all.

Suddenly, he opened his arms, raised his head, and roared at the sky.


It's a pity that Ling Luoyu couldn't hear this trembling and angry voice.

They emerged from a dark place.

There was the sound of wind and water passing through my ears.

No one knows where this place is.

It was so dark that nothing could be seen clearly.

After a long time, Feng Chenglin lit a torch and illuminated the surrounding area.

"Third Young Master, how are you?"

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