Princess Against the World

Chapter 7469 Nemesis-8

Ling Luoyu's face was still pale. In addition, he had used the power of the Chaos Yuanling just now and consumed some Yuanshen. At this time, he just shook his head gently, not even wanting to say a word.

Feng Chenglin checked her and the bleeding from the wound seemed to have stopped.

I felt a lot more at ease, but I was also confused.

"What's going on? Why is your wound... healing so slowly?"

Injury is a common occurrence for Ling Luoyu.

But her miraculous self-healing ability is also her rare cheating ability.

Logically speaking, after such a long time, Ling Luoyu's wounds should have healed to almost the same degree.

But now it seems that it only stopped the bleeding.

Her wound was still turned outward, bloody and bloody, with no sign of healing.

In other words, Ling Luoyu was no different from an injured ordinary person at this time.

Lingyu half-knelt down beside her. Just as he was about to touch the wound, he was slapped away by Feng Chenglin.

"Don't touch it!"

Don't even look at where the girl was injured!

Is that place a random place? !

Even he was afraid and didn't dare to make a move.

Lingyu gritted his teeth: "How long has it been? You still think about those messy things. I want to check her wounds."

Feng Chenglin was still ungrateful: "Thank you, I will take care of her injuries, you don't need to help!"

Spiritual realm Qi knot: "Why are you so unreasonable?! Now, she is just a patient, a wounded person. I just want to check her injuries and heal her... You, what do you think of me? Are you here?"

"You don't need to check or treat. Our Third Young Master's wounds can heal on their own, and you don't need to take care of them."

Feng Chenglin still forbids Lingyu from touching Ling Luoyu's wound.

That look was menacing.

It seems that if he dares to attack again, his little claws will be chopped off with a knife.

"Soul Blade, watch your master. If anyone dares to be careless and take advantage of him, you're welcome...just chop off his hand."

Looking at his arrogant and hostile eyes, Lingyu was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

" are really unreasonable! Can't you see...her? Has she lost too much blood now? If she doesn't receive treatment, her life will be in danger!"

Feng Chenglin still had the same tone: "I've said it before, our third young master doesn't need it, you don't need it, you don't need it? You just don't need it, you don't need it!!"

Spiritual realm: "..."

Although he was furious, what could he do?

The guy in front of me is unreasonable, and he also has a knife that can kill people without staining blood.

Glancing at the Soul Blade, Spirit Realm stepped back.

If he dared to take action, this knife could really cut into his hand.

After maintaining a certain distance, Lingyu pointed helplessly at Ling Luoyu.

"Let me tell you, this is not a bluff to scare you, her life is really in danger..."

And Feng Chenglin once again gave him a definite answer.

"I also tell you clearly that our third young master can heal herself, and you don't need to intervene... Do you understand? There is no need for any of you to interfere with her injuries!"


Feng Chenglin was fiercely guarding him there, in a desperate fight.

Lingyu really had no choice but to take the two remaining people and follow the sound of water to fetch water.

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