Princess Against the World

Chapter 7470 Nemesis-9

Ling Luoyu's current wound healing has indeed been slightly affected.

But it does not hinder the healing of the wound.

It just takes a little longer.

By the time Lingyu and the others returned from fetching water, Ling Luoyu's complexion had improved a lot.

She sat there panting, and with Feng Chenglin's help, she bandaged the wounds that had not yet healed bit by bit.

"How's the situation outside?"

"What?" Lingyu was stunned and subconsciously answered: "What outside?"

Ling Luoyu raised his eyes: "Of course it's the environment we are in now?! Aren't you going to fetch water..."

Spiritual realm: "..."

Ling Luoyu stared deeply: "Since we are fetching water, we should have seen some of the surrounding environment, right?!"

But Lingyu looked a little strange: "Outside, there is nothing outside..."

Feng Chenglin frowned: "What do you mean there is nothing? Is it winter or summer, forest or grassland, is there water, are there animals, are there living people, these... you should be able to tell, right?"

Lingyu was ashamed: "...I, I didn't look carefully, it should...should be a mountain forest, right?!"

Feng Chenglin understood: "When you go out to fetch water, you don't just...just fetch water, right?"

Spiritual realm: "..."

It’s just fetching water, of course it’s just fetching water!

Is it possible that a flower can still be made?

Feng Chenglin shook his head speechlessly and stood up: "Third Young Master, are you okay? I'll go out and take a look!"

Ling Luoyu waved his hand.

Feng Chenglin glared at the spirit realm fiercely and walked quickly into the darkness.

Lingyu became more and more ashamed, but he was not convinced, so he followed closely behind him and followed him out.

Not long after, the two came back.

"Third Young Master, we should big trouble!"

"……What's wrong?"

Ling Luoyu saw that Feng Chenglin looked very unhappy.

"What's going on outside?"

If he encounters a small thing, he won't look like this.

as expected:……

"Let's go back again!"

Ling Luoyu: "...what?"

What went back?

Where did you go back? !

Isn't it going back to the space you just escaped from? !

"What's going back?" Ling Luoyu struggled to get up, and Feng Chenglin quickly supported her: "I, I don't know... I don't know how to tell you. In short, go and take a look and you will know!"

This sentence immediately attracted the eyes of Lingyu.

--That's it? ?

The momentum he used to confront them just now was much stronger than this.

Nowadays, isn’t this the same result?

Even though Miss Ling was injured, she still had to be taken out to check.

I really don’t know where the confidence to confront them just now came from.

I felt contempt in my heart, but still followed.

He wanted to see if this guy who looked down on him could see anything out of him.

With the support of Feng Chenglin, Ling Luoyu walked out of the edge of the woods.

Looking into the distance, there is a thick fog.

A thick fog with no visible edges.

She frowned: "Fat man, what do you want me to see? Such a heavy fog... have you discovered any crisis?"

Who knows~~

Before he finished speaking, Feng Chenglin said "hmm" and suddenly turned to look at her.

That look... was like seeing a ghost! !

Ling Luoyu: "..."

What kind of tricks is this fat guy up to?

Before she could think about it, Feng Chenglin suddenly raised his hand and waved it in front of her eyes.

"Third Young Master, you, you...didn't you say you were okay?"

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