Princess Against the World

Chapter 7471 Nemesis-10

Ling Luoyu slapped his hand away: "Look at me like this, do you think something is wrong?"

Feng Chenglin still had that grimace on his face: "...If you're fine, why did you's all...fog over there?"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

Is there something wrong with this fat guy’s eyes?

It's such a thick fog, can't you see it? !

She rolled her eyes at him.

"Feng Chenglin, is there something wrong with your eyes? Such a thick fog... how the hell can't you see?"

Before Feng Chenglin had time to reply, Lingyu looked weird and stuttered.

"Ling...Miss Ling, what are you talking about? Where did it come from...where did the fog come from?!"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

Before he could speak, Feng Chenglin nodded fiercely: "Yes, there is no fog..."

Ling Luoyu: "..."

No fog? ?

So what did she see?

What is this white and foggy area in front of me?

Could it be...

Is there something wrong with her eyes? !

That's not right!

Feng Chenglin was clear in her eyes.

She also sees them clearly in Lingyu!

Can you see clearly what is in front of you, but not what is far away? ?

Feng Chenglin and Lingyu also looked at each other.

Spiritual Realm: "...Look, I'm not lying. Looking around here, apart from mountains, there are rivers, or endless groves with no end in sight. How can there be any fog..."

"Wait a minute," Feng Chenglin interrupted him quickly, his face getting weirder: "There's something wrong with your eyes too?!"

Spiritual realm: "..."

Ling Luoyu: "..."

The two of them looked at Feng Chenglin in confusion at the same time.

What's wrong with this guy?

Especially the spirit realm looked at him with a ghostly look: " eyes, what's wrong with my eyes? I'm telling the truth. Apart from mountains, there are woods!"

"Bullshit woods, when you look at them, they are all... prairie fields all over the sky and flat rivers. Where do the mountains come from? Where do the rivers come from? Where do the small woods come from?!"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

She looked in front of her and said nothing.

Lingyu also looked outside, shook his head, and said nothing.

The weird looks on the two people's faces made Feng Chenglin realize that something was wrong.

"You two... what are you two doing? What's wrong? Am I right?"

In front of them was indeed an endless prairie.

The one with no end in sight.

It's lush and green, pleasing to the eye.

Anyone who is not blind should be able to see it! ?

Why are these two people...

Or is this the look in his eyes? !

Before he could finish his thoughts, Ling Luoyu suddenly raised his fingers and called to the two people who followed them.

"You two, take a look...what is in front of you?"

The two people were already confused as they listened to the conversation between the three of them.

At this time, seeing Ling Luoyu asking himself, he told the truth.

It's just that the truth told by these two people sounds completely unrelated.

One person said: "Over there... you can see it in the distance over there... Then, isn't that a village? Why didn't you see it? There is still smoke coming out. It's so obvious. You Haven’t you seen it?”

Another person said: "This is clearly a snowfield. Between the sky and the earth, there is a vast expanse of white. There is snow all over the sky and ice. There is nothing. Why can you see the mountains, the grass, and the grass?" See...the village?! Where did you see it?!"

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