Princess Against the World

Chapter 7472 Nemesis-11

Several people each talked about what they saw.

But after talking about it later, the expression on the person's face was not right.

Because they discovered the world in front of them, this seemingly ordinary and ordinary world.

In each of their eyes, what they see is completely different.

And from their looks and words, it can be heard that each of them is telling the truth, and no one is lying.

Ling Luoyu sunk his eyes: "In other words... the world we each see in our eyes is completely different, and there is not even the slightest overlap!"

Feng Chenglin was a little creepy: "I feel that not only are there no overlaps, but's hard to say whether what we see is reality or an illusion..."

In the eyes of a thousand people like them, there are a thousand worlds.

Besides hallucination, when else can it be done! ?

There was a bad premonition in Lingyu's heart: "We...are we...already dead? So what we see now is the world after death, so we can see different things for each of us." thing!"

Before Ling Luoyu could answer, Feng Chenglin had already rolled his eyes at him.

"Brother, let me educate you. Under normal circumstances, living people can also see these messy things. Among them, it may be that the soul is out of the body, but it is also possible that we are collectively poisoned..."

Glancing around, he looked very calm.

"Based on the current situation, I personally feel that we are more likely to be poisoned!"

It's not that he is afraid of death, but that with his and Ling Luoyu's fate, it is unlikely that they will die that easily.

But after saying this, even his own expression became weird.

If they were poisoned, it makes no sense that they didn't feel any physical discomfort at all, they just saw some hallucinations.

If this is the case, then this poison is really amazing.

But other than that, no one can explain why the world they see is completely different.

Rather than dying, they prefer to believe that they have been poisoned.

Lingyu checked himself immediately: "But I have no wounds on my body, and I don't remember eating anything that would be poisonous. How could I be poisoned?"

Someone took a deep breath and said, "Could it be us...that there is such poisonous gas around us!?"

Someone immediately echoed: "Yes, yes, it must be poisonous gas, otherwise...otherwise, how come none of us could escape, and we were all poisoned?"


Only air can make them so uniform in their poisoning.

Several people were speculating there, but Ling Luoyu never spoke.

Feng Chenglin noticed something strange about her and asked cautiously: "Third Young Master, you, you... do you think what we said is wrong?"

The things she didn't admit were most likely unfounded.

Ling Luoyu glanced at him and pointed to his wound: "It hurts here, it hurts very much..."

Feng Chenglin: "..."

ah? !

What does this mean?

They were discussing whether to be poisoned or not. Why did she suddenly talk about the wound?

Inexplicably, I suddenly had a bad feeling in my heart.

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