Princess Against the World

Chapter 7499 Serial Bureau-18

Ling Luoyu chose a comfortable position and sat down.

"Let's take our time and listen to Mr. Gu tell this story... I'm really curious about what kind of story can be used to connect the whole lie together!"

Gu Lan sighed: "I know you don't believe me, but that's really not my intention. The stories you told me inside were really something I didn't expect..."

Feng Chenglin: "...Editor, keep editing, make sure to make it nicer and more credible!"

Gu Lan frowned: "I really didn't want to lock you there at that time. To say the least, I need you to bring Aurora out for me, right?"


Gu Lan: "If you all die inside, then who will bring the Aurora to me?"

Feng Chenglin couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted him again: "You can help us design it in, but you can't get others in too? You don't think that there are only two of us alive in that space, do you?!"

They met so many people along the way.

How did these people appear?

It's not like they themselves broke into that space.

Is it even necessary to think about it?

Gu Lan said noncommittally: "Everything we do is done after discussion. Although... not every detail has been carefully considered, but every move has been carefully considered and discussed!"

"You?" Feng Chenglin chuckled: "Which one of you is it? Who are you and? Don't tell me, you and Mo Xuanchen..."

This guy would definitely pull Mo Xuanchen out to block the gun whenever something happened.

They were all used to him being so shameless.

Gu Lan shook his head in silence: "We... include too many people, and we are all people who have to decide life and death with the God Lord!"

Feng Chenglin curled his lips and rolled his eyes: "The least you can do is name someone who convinces us?!"

Gu Lan pondered for a moment: "Mr. Tang!"

Feng Chenglin suddenly looked at Ling Luoyu.

Ling Luoyu was unmoved: "You have met Mr. Tang before, and naturally you know him, but he may not know you. Just like us before, doesn't he think you are a good person?"

At this time, let alone use Mr. Tang as a shield.

Even if Mr. Tang stood in front of them, patting his chest and vouching for Gu Lan, they might not believe him.

Because Gu Lan is too scheming and calculating.

And every one of his calculations is not just a simple scheme.

It's a complete chain of tricks that makes it impossible to escape.

How could such a person be easily trusted again?

Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin's answers were completely within Gu Lan's expectations.

However, he remained unhurried.

"In that case, let me talk about one more person. You should all know this person!"

Feng Chenglin sneered: "You should say someone we don't know, so that we can fool you!"

Gu Lan: "Mo Xishu!"

Ling Luoyu's pupils shrank instantly, and his eyes changed obviously.

Feng Chenglin still didn't know why: "Who? Who is this person? He is also named Mo? A member of the Mo family?"

Ling Luoyu: "It's Mo Xuanchen's grandmother!"

Only then did Feng Chenglin remember: "No wonder, no wonder I think this name... sounds so familiar!"

In the beginning, it was because Mo Xishu left the God Clan that so many things happened.

Otherwise, where would there be Mo Xuanchen! ?

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