Princess Against the World

Chapter 7500 Serial Bureau-19

At this time, Mo Xishu was mentioned.

Not to mention Ling Luoyu, even Feng Chenglin noticed something unusual.

"Gu Lan, you guys have really started to weave new lies to deceive us, right?"

Seriously, no matter what this guy says, they have lost the most basic trust in him.

What the two of them don't understand is that things have already happened to this point. What on earth is Gu Lan still trying to do?

Doesn't he know that his credibility has been completely destroyed?

Gu Lan was unhurried: "I know you won't believe me, but what about Mo Xishu, you should believe her, right?"

Feng Chenglin was about to say something to him again, but was suppressed by Ling Luoyu.

"Are you going to tell us that Mo here, in the God Clan?"

Gu Lan nodded: "Want to meet her?"

Ling Luoyu frowned.

Feng Chenglin broke the news again: "Third Young Master, do you still believe this guy? I'm not sure. He got a woman from somewhere and pretended to be Mo Xishu to deceive you!"

Ling Luoyu sneered: "Gu Lan, this is your last chance. Don't let this opportunity become a rift between us that can never be healed!"

Feng Chenglin was furious: "...Third Young Master, do you still believe him?"

Counting it all, he couldn't remember how many times he had been tricked by this guy.

Why do you still believe his words now?

Is it just because Mo Xuanchen is involved? !

As long as it involves him, is her IQ below the line? !

But Ling Luoyu insisted that he could only cooperate unconditionally.

But he was very wary of Gu Lan throughout the whole process.

Gu Lan guided them out of the wandering soul world.

Once again down to earth and breathing the air outside, Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin suddenly felt like they were in another world.

There are too many things I have experienced in the wandering soul world.

There are so many people with slightly weaker psychological endurance that they cannot distinguish between illusion and reality.

Gu Lan called a carriage and opened the curtain: "Miss Ling, please come!"

Feng Chenglin gave him a hard look and was about to step forward when Ling Luoyu grabbed his arm.

"Fat man, where are you going?"

Feng Chenglin: "..."

Where to go?

Didn't you agree to go see Mo Xishu?

Gu Lan's smile also froze: "Miss Ling, what do you mean?"

Ling Luoyu's eyes were light: "It's not interesting. It's just that we have been out for too long and need to meet up with our friends. Fatty, what do you think?"

Feng Chenglin: "...Ah, yes, we need to meet up!"

When he said this, he looked confused.

What to meet up with friends?

Meeting with whom?

Didn't we agree that we were going to see Mo Xishu?

Gu Lan also understood at this time: "Miss Ling, were you lying to me just now?"

Ling Luoyu smiled slightly: "Mr. Gu, what you said is not kind. How could I lie to you? I just want to meet my little friends before leaving with you!"

Gu Lan's eyes narrowed: "Then when can we set off?"

Ling Luoyu thought seriously for a while: "Mr. Gu, I'm sorry, right now, I really can't give you the answer you want, because I don't know if my friends will let me go!"

Gu Lan suddenly laughed loudly: "I was careless. I actually forgot. Miss Lin, you are good at scheming, and your best thing is acting! This serious acting really put me off!"

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