Princess Against the World

Chapter 7504 The Fat Man Seeking Death-3

If Ling Luoyu found out that he had used his beast-like powers and was beaten so badly, he would laugh to death.

Out of vanity, he didn't say anything about it.

Instead, he prevaricated very hypocritically: "No, she, these women are women after all, right? If I use beast-like power to deal with them, then their children must not cry and ask me for a mother?"

Ling Luoyu: "Hypocrisy!"

Feng Chenglin: "..."

Ling Luoyu: "If you can't beat me, you can't beat me. Why are you giving yourself so many excuses?"

Feng Chenglin muttered: "What about you? Weren't you also beaten out with a stick?"

Ling Luoyu: "Did I be beaten out? I was...even if I was beaten out, I was not beaten out!"

Feng Chenglin: "..."

Being beaten into a pig's head is not a glorious thing. Is it worth saying it again and again?

"Both of us have been beaten out now, what should we do?"

Feng Chenglin looked like he was watching a show.

"How about we join forces and break in?"

This guy wanted to drag Ling Luoyu into the water.

Who knows——

"The two of us want to join forces, but we can no longer go it alone," Ling Luoyu said seriously: "I'm afraid that if you wait a while, if you try to force your way in again, they will beat you to death with sticks!"

Feng Chenglin immediately geared up, eager to try, looking at the high wall with excitement.

"Okay, tell me where we should start. You choose a place and I'll listen to you?!"

Ling Luoyu was still circling around the courtyard wall.

Feng Chenglin followed closely behind.

Seeing her standing still in front of the back door, her face fell: "No, Third Young Master, you, what do you mean? You're not trying to... break in by force, are you?"

None of those women are easy to mess with.

Not to mention, they don't care about martial arts at all, and they start a group fight.

Ling Luoyu pursed her lips: "Go over!"

Feng Chenglin: "...what?"

He made a move.

"Should I kick down the door?"

Without waiting for Ling Luoyu to answer, he shook his head and backed away.

"I don't!"

Rejection was written all over him.

Ling Luoyu was speechless: "What kind of door are you kicking? You go to someone's house as a guest, and you kick the door when you come up?!"

Feng Chenglin: "..."

Ling Luoyu: "We are knocking on the door, and knocking on the door is for guests!"

They just climbed over the wall.

Theoretically speaking, he did... deserve to be beaten.

But if you knock on the door, you are visiting Zhang.

The other party will never hurt anyone!

Feng Chenglin glanced at her doubtfully: "Are you sure?"


Under Ling Luoyu's firm eyes, he straightened his clothes, raised his hand, and knocked on the door.

"Bang bang bang"

The door opened a crack.

Feng Chenglin immediately burst into laughter: "Sister..."

But what answered him was a wooden stick that was suddenly poked out.

"You still dare to come?"

Fortunately, Feng Chenglin hid in time and was not hit in the head by a wooden stick.

After escaping, he felt bad: "Third Young Master, I blame you. What kind of bad idea do you have?"

Aren't you afraid that he will be left with a psychological shadow that knocks on your door for the rest of his life?

How terrible!

Before he finished speaking, the other party's second stick came out.

Then, the graceful figures of five girls emerged.

Ling Luoyu had quick eyes and quick hands, and the soul blade was shot instantly.

Black light flashed, and the long wooden sticks in the girls' hands instantly turned into pieces of wood.

Ling Luoyu turned around and stood still, guarding Feng Chenglin behind him: "Sisters, there is a misunderstanding..."

But what she responded to was five long whips.

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