Princess Against the World

Chapter 7505 The Fat Man Seeking Death-4

Feng Chenglin: "..."

Is this okay? ?

The five girls abandoned their wooden sticks, waved their long whips, and intertwined themselves into a web.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a dragnet, trapping the two people inside.

Ling Luoyu was no longer polite, and Soul Blade took action again.

Swirling around, passing in front of everyone.

This time, more than just their long whips were cut off.

Even their buns were cut open.

With her hair hanging down, Ling Luoyu Soul Blade was in hand and pointed at one of the girls.

"Sister, don't force me to take time, I don't know where I'm going to challenge you?"

He said this, but the tip of the soul blade pointed at the girl's chest very wantonly.

The meaning is obvious——

If you dare to take action again, your love will be revealed.

Feng Chenglin glanced at Ling Luoyu sympathetically——

In such an occasion, she actually has the courage to provoke these tigresses? ?

With such a naked provocation, wouldn't those girls tear her apart? ?

After all, she is also dressing up as a man nowadays.

Isn't this a hooligan act in broad daylight?

If you don’t get beaten, then you’ve seen a ghost! "

Who knows——

The girls opposite, after looking at each other, tacitly threw away the long whips in their hands.

The leader suppressed his messy hair and said: "You two, leave quickly. This is a private place. No outsiders are allowed to enter, especially men!"

Feng Chenglin couldn't help but twitched his mouth.

People are really different.

If he had said these words, he would have been beaten violently again now.

But what about Ling Luoyu?

It's just a verbal warning! !


Just because this guy is better looking than him? ?

Sure enough, being good-looking means being willful.

Even being beaten can be a bargain.

Really thinking about it in his heart, Ling Luoyu took a step closer with a smile: "We are not here to cause trouble, we really want to visit, visit... Mo Xishu!"

As soon as the name was said, the faces of the five girls changed.

They looked at each other. Looked at Ling Luoyu carefully.

"Who are you……"

"Ling Luoyu!"

"It's really you..." a girl blurted out.

As soon as she finished speaking, she quickly stuck out her tongue, as if realizing that she had said the wrong thing.

One of the older girls came forward and asked, "Do you have anything that can prove your identity?"

Ling Luoyu unhurriedly removed the mask on his face: "The ancestors of the Mo family have seen me, and my face is the best proof!"

Feng Chenglin: "...high!"

Ling Luoyu is Ling Luoyu.

This way of self-certification also makes it impossible for others to refuse.

is not that right?

If you want to prove her face, you have to bring her in front of Mo Xishu.

You can't just cut off the head and carry it over, right? ?

And the girl was a little embarrassed: "Isn't there something else?"

Ling Luoyu smiled lightly: "What are you afraid of, sister? Are you afraid that I will do something bad to the ancestors of the Mo family? Stop making trouble. The cultivation of several sisters is above mine. I can't even defeat you, so how can I?" Are you our ancestor’s opponent?”

A rainbow fart, the girls who were photographed were also very happy.

Furthermore, if this face is used as evidence, only Mo Xishu can come and identify it personally.

Several girls opened the courtyard door and led Ling Luoyu in.

When Feng Chenglin was about to follow, he was stopped by those girls.

"No more men in our yard!"

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