Princess Against the World

Chapter 7506 The Fat Man Seeking Death-5

The boss Feng Chenglin was unhappy: "Sisters, we are in the same group. We have lived and died together for so many years. We have done everything together. Your ancestors also know me..."

As he spoke, he walked towards the yard.

However, what answered him was the cold edge of the sword.

The girl holding the sword had cold eyes: "If it weren't for the fact that you and Miss Ling have known each other for many years, do you think you can keep the foot you use to step into the yard again?"

Feng Chenglin lowered his head and glanced at his feet.

Angrily, he took it back.

"elder sister……"

"Just wait here!"


Feng Chenglin looked at Ling Luoyu for help.

Ling Luoyu had no choice but to plead for mercy: "Sisters, he was pitifully beaten by you just now. If you are really worried, just tie his hands and feet and throw him in the pavilion over there to prevent him from starving. Just be thirsty!"

Feng Chenglin: "..."

Is this speaking for him?

Why does it feel more like adding fuel and vinegar to fan the flames?

Just as he was about to defend himself, a girl had already taken out the rope.

The rope is right in front of you.

Feng Chenglin had no choice but to obediently let others tie him up.

He led me to the pavilion.

Ling Luoyu followed a girl and walked straight to the courtyard.

Before he got close, he smelled a strong medicinal smell.

She frowned immediately: "Ancestor is injured?"

The girl leading the way looked at her with a subtle look: "How do you know it's an injury and not an illness?"

It is normal for people to get sick as they get older.

Ling Luoyu smiled half-heartedly: "These medicines are good medicines for activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis and healing wounds, but they are not medicines for treating diseases!"

With her mastery of medicinal materials over the years, she only needs to smell the taste to know the specific ingredients and functions of the elixir.

Pushing open the corner door of the courtyard house, the smell of medicine became even stronger.

In the inner courtyard, she also saw many injured women.

Seeing Ling Luoyu come in, the women all stood up alertly and stared at him eagerly.

The girl leading the way said meaningfully: "Now you should know why I didn't let your friend follow me, right?"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

The girl smiled slightly: "Do you think I am afraid that he will hurt us here? Actually, I am afraid that these girls will accidentally hurt him!"

Ling Luoyu frowned: "Then you still want to follow my instructions and tie his hands and feet?"

The girl waved to the other women and asked them to sit down.

"These girls all hate men. If your brother is honest and doesn't cause trouble, he won't cause trouble..."

Ling Luoyu felt very unhappy: "Sister, if you say that, then I will have to talk to you properly!"

The reason why this girl tied up Feng Chenglin was because she thought he was a wanderer——

Do you think he will be frivolous about other girls? ! !

To embarrass them - these girls really think highly of themselves!

With their looks like that, although not too ordinary, they are still ordinary.

How can she compare to Hao Qingyou's white skin, beauty and long legs? ?

Even if Feng Chenglin took action, that guy probably wouldn't bother to do anything to them.

——I really don’t like it! !

Moreover, each one of them is at the level of a sister!

With Feng Chenglin's taste, he would definitely look down upon it! !


Even if you fall in love with him, Feng Chenglin is not that kind of person! !

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