Princess Against the World

Chapter 7513 The Fat Man Seeking Death-12

Feng Chenglin's eyes couldn't help but glare: "What are you opening?"

Dingmiao: "...ladder to heaven!"

Feng Chenglin raised his head and looked at the sky: "...a ladder to the sky??"

Dingmiao shook his head: "I don't know what that ladder is. I only know that the people from the God Clan are crazy about this rumor. They have been desperately trying to open this thing for the past few days!"

Feng Chenglin glanced at the things on the table with disdain: "What's so difficult about opening this?"

With a wave of his hand, he took the gadget in his hand, held it with both hands, and opened it with all his strength.

After breaking off...

Um? ?

no response? ?


It was obviously a soft thing that deformed as soon as he pinched it, but after he used brute force, it turned out to be as hard as a rock, without even changing its shape.

"Isn't it true that this thing is soft but not hard?"

Feng Chenglin had a bad temper.

Grasping that thing in his hand again, the beast-like power suddenly burst out.

However, no matter how powerful the power is, it seems that it is not worth mentioning in front of the little thing.

Ling Luoyu frowned slightly, her eyes looking very surprised.

Feng Chenglin's beastly power couldn't even move it? !

It shows that the material of this thing is unusual.

Such an unusual thing was made into a trinket and thrown away casually elsewhere.

That means that the result of this matter is more valuable than these small things.

"Hey, hell, are you looking down on me?" Feng Chenglin felt frustrated.

Now, use brute force again.

Ling Luoyu stopped him: "Stop it, it's a waste of effort!"

"Third Young Master..."

"Since people have said that this thing can only be opened by solving the puzzle above, it is absolutely impossible for you to use brute force to open it!"

Feng Chenglin was unwilling to give in: "...but..."

Dingmiao smiled and comforted him: "What Miss Ling said makes sense. There are so many capable people and lofty ideals in the world. There are many people with higher cultivation level than you. They are fully capable and can get rid of this thing!"

If this is the case, then why do you need to untie it?

Just use brute force to break it open, right?

Dingmiao: "Since they have such a setting, it means that they are not afraid of brute force and can break it!"

Feng Chenglin was a little discouraged: "Didn't I think that if I could open it, it would be easy? Look at the patterns on it. They are messy and irregular. How can I solve them?"

Ling Luoyu rolled his eyes: "If it's so easy to untie, wouldn't anyone be able to untie it?"

Dingmiao also said: "Actually, I don't blame him for thinking that way. There are so many people outside, and everyone who gets it wants to use brute force to unlock it, but every one of them fails!"

Feng Chenglin was not the first person to fail.

There's nothing to be ashamed of.

Feng Chenglin was even more discouraged: "Don't you mean that there is no difference between me and those idiots outside?"

Dingmiao was a little embarrassed for a moment: "I didn't mean that..."

Ling Luoyu: "That's what he thinks!"

Dingmiao shook his head quickly: "No, no, I really am not. We have such a deep friendship, how could I think so?"

Ling Luoyu: "Look at how well he talks. It's because of our close friendship that we don't think so, not because of our understanding of you..."

Dingmiao couldn't help but sweat on his forehead: "Miss Ling, what are you doing?"

Fanning the flames?

Everyone is their own person.

Why bother?

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