Princess Against the World

Chapter 7514 The Fat Man Seeking Death-13

Why do you need to do something that hurts your loved ones and makes your enemies happy?

Is killing each other really good?

Fortunately, Feng Chenglin didn't accept the move at all: "Third Young Master, don't talk nonsense, you can do it!"

Ling Luoyu: "I definitely can't come now. This is the first time we've met this thing. We haven't figured out what it is yet. How can we come here? Besides, why do you want to figure it out?"

Regarding that ladder or something, it has nothing to do with them.

Therefore, whether it is solved or not is of little significance.

Ling Luoyu: "The most important thing for us now is to find Mo Xuanchen!"

Mo Xishu was so injured that he had to be there.

Although there is no danger of life, in this situation, it is much better for him to be here than her.

The most important thing is that Mo Xishu will not tell her about the opponent, but he will definitely tell Mo Xuanchen.

What did Dingmiao think of: "By the way, I heard that the shrine has been in chaos recently because the god lord has disappeared. His new and old loves have all colluded with power, and they all want to replace the shrine lord and become the leader of the shrine. New owner!"

Feng Chenglin was confused: "Didn't you say that boy, his name is Lu Ming or something, he is in power? And he is the spokesman of the Lord of God?"

Dingmiao: "He is just the new love of the God Lord. Because he is the most favored, he has the right to speak. But I don't know what happened recently. The Shrine is in chaos, and everyone wants to take power!"

Ling Luoyu chuckled: "This is a normal thing. After all, the Lord of God has been missing for a long time. Moreover, if someone secretly stirs up trouble...who doesn't want to be in power?!"

Lu Ming, just a male favorite, could act like a fox or a tiger, and boss around five or six people.

Why...can't others?

Everyone is favored by the God Lord, and no one is nobler than anyone else.

Why can Lu Ming do it but others can't?

"Stirring up trouble?" Feng Chenglin somewhat understood what she meant: "Third Young Master, you're not saying that... the mastermind behind the whole thing is... Gu Lan, right?"

Ling Luoyu: "Gu Lan and Lu Ming are masters and disciples on the surface, but there is an undying hatred between them. This kind of secretly stumbling, stumbling, and undermining thing is not what Gu Lan is doing. What’s your strong point?”


After saying this, the others couldn't help but look at each other.


Looking at the whole thing, it is completely Gu Lan's style to be able to arrange the situation so perfectly and stir up a bloody storm without letting himself be stained by any blood.

Feng Chenglin's eyes lit up: "Third Young Master, don't you always say that the enemy of your enemy is your friend? Why don't we... find Lu Ming to be our allies?"

Ling Luoyu half-smiled: "Do you want to use Lu Ming's hand to get rid of Gu Lan?"

Feng Chenglin: "Don't you think this is a great opportunity?" Yes.

Ling Luoyu smiled slightly: "The opportunity is indeed good!"

Feng Chenglin suddenly became proud.

Ling Luoyu: "But I feel even more that those two people are the same as each other!"

It doesn’t matter if it’s a deer call or an ancient wave.

To them, they are all enemies.

Ling Luoyu: "Fat man, if we cooperate with either of them, we are seeking the skin of a tiger."

Feng Chenglin's smile froze on his face: "Then..."

Ling Luoyu: "So, no matter which one of them we cooperate with, we have to have backup plans!"

Dingmiao frowned: "So, you still want to cooperate with the two of them?"

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