Princess Against the World

Chapter 7526 Let’s have some face-5

Dingmiao raised his head alertly: "Are you suspecting... that this thing is related to our Miao family?"

Ling Luoyu: "If you were not from the Miao family, I wouldn't doubt you like this!"

When she said this, Dingmiao also felt that something was unusual.

It seems, indeed.

Miss Sanduo has plenty of opportunities to hand over the box to Ling Luoyu or Feng Chenglin.

But she didn't.

She made a point of giving the box to him.


Could it be that this box really has something to do with the Miao family?

Look at the box again.

The more he looked, the more his brows wrinkled.

Feng Chenglin noticed something unusual and quickly came closer: "What's wrong? Is there really something wrong with this box?"

Dingmiao looked stunned: "This box, this box really belongs to our Miao family. Look, there is a mark of the Miao family here..."

Feng Chenglin glanced at it casually, then shook his head: "Nonsense, I know the mark of your Miao family, how can this be the mark of your Miao family?"

They have been hanging out with Dingmiao for so long.

Naturally, he knew the Miao family's symbols by heart.

No matter how you look at this mark, it is not the mark of the Miao family.

Dingmiao's face became more solemn: "Our Miao family doesn't just have one mark!"

Feng Chenglin: "...fuck!!"

He knew that the matter was not simple: "Come on, tell me, is there any shameful story in this?"

Dingmiao glared at him: "How do you talk?"

Feng Chenglin: "Slip of the tongue. I have always respected your Miao family the most. It's not that you don't know. What I mean is that your Miao family has created such a shameless, no, shameless, oh, no, The mark that cannot see the light must have some special meaning, right?"

Dingmiao gave him another harsh look: "The marks of our Miao family have always been divided into two types. One is the ordinary mark that you see, the mark that everyone can see outside! "

Ling Luoyu looked along his fingers: "Is there another one like this?"

Dingmiao nodded seriously: "Yes, that's it, this is a hidden mark..."

His words suddenly stopped, his breathing became rapid, his face turned pale, and his eyes were evasive.

Feng Chenglin was startled by him and quickly patted his back with his hand: "I said, brother, we are not worth being so nervous. If you want to say it, you can say it. If you don't want to say it, don't say it. We won't force you. Are you so scared?"

Ling Luoyu shook his head gently: "He's not scared, he's excited... In Dingmiao, there must be very, very few people who know this mark, right?"

Dingmiao nodded in fear, and then shook his head violently: "It's not that there are very few, but it's very obscure... Those who know this mark are all the top elites of our Miao family!"

"Isn't that right?" Feng Chenglin interrupted him: "Weren't the top elites of your Miao family always working for the Lord of God? Later, they were taken over by the Lord of God and all of them were killed..."

Dingmiao looked at him leisurely and said nothing, but his whole body was obviously trembling because of nervousness.

Feng Chenglin also guessed the reason and blurted out immediately: "Fuck!"

He stood up suddenly, looked at the box in disbelief, and then looked at Dingmiao: "Does the information in this box tell you that there are still people in your Miao family alive, and those who are alive are all the top elites of the year? ?”

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