Princess Against the World

Chapter 7527 Let’s have some face-6

Dingmiao licked his lips and said nothing.

Feng Chenglin said another damn sentence: "In other words, the God Lord seemingly wiped out all the elites of your Miao family, but some people still survived. Now, these surviving people are passing on information to you, telling you Are they still alive?"

Dingmiao nodded sharply.

He couldn't utter a single word because of his excitement, and his teeth were chattering.

Ling Luoyu patted him on the shoulder: "Don't be so excited yet. Since these people are passing on information to you, it means they are definitely safe. Whether it is now or waiting until tomorrow, you can see them anytime, anywhere!"

She could understand how excited Dingmiao was to suddenly receive a message from her tribe after being alone for so many years.

But the key question is:

"Have you ever thought about it, since the clan members of Dingmiao are all alive, why don't they come out to meet Dingmiao directly, but communicate it in such a subtle way?"

Moreover, he was notified secretly using a secret code that only the top members of the Miao family could understand? !

"Do you even need to ask? Of course it's Gu Lan!" Feng Chenglin blurted out without even thinking about it.

Then he realized it and his expression changed drastically.

"I understand, Gu Lan is not targeting you, he really wants this box... because this box is related to the top elites of the Miao family, and what Gu Lan wants is the top elites of your Miao family! !”

Damn, damn, damn! !

Gu Lan is Gu Lan after all! !

There is really no one else who is so scheming! !

How come everything can be within his plan! ?

damn it!

Did that guy get the script in advance? ?

Ling Luoyu frowned: "In other words, Gu Lan wants to know the stories behind the top elites. For example, why are these people still alive? What happened back then? Does this matter have anything to do with the God Lord..."

Etc., etc! !

These may be the reasons why Gu Lan wants to get this box.

Feng Chenglin's eyes shone: "If this is the case, then we can also find the key from it!"

He looked at the box eagerly.

"Perhaps, this box contains some secrets from the past. After opening it, we will know everything!"

He eagerly sat down next to Dingmiao.

"How about it, can you open it now?"

Dingmiao also wanted to know the story of that year. After hearing this, he quickly looked at the box: "I can give it a try, but I'm not sure, and I may still need time..."

Feng Chenglin was anxious: "Come on, what we lack most now is time! That guy Gu Lan is still waiting outside, and he might be able to break in at any time. You have to hurry up..."

Dingmiao was urged to do nothing by him: "I'll give it a try, I'll try my best!"

Now, he also wants to know what secrets are hidden inside.

When you do things, you will naturally be more attentive.

Feng Chenglin didn't dare to disturb him, so he could only circle around in a hurry.

Ling Luoyu, on the other hand, looked at Dingmiao thoughtfully, and then at Gu Lan outside the door, as if he had something on his mind.

But now Feng Chenglin has no time to take care of her.

His eyes were fixed on Dingmiao, asking from time to time how it was going, how it was going, and when it could be opened. !

Dingmiao answered him at first, but then he simply ignored him and just lowered his head, concentrating on unlocking the lock of the box.

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