Princess Against the World

Chapter 7547 He is indeed a handsome man-6

Ling Luoyu sneered: "I'm afraid there's no one who can trust both of us!?"

Lu Ming didn't speak either.

For now, it's just the first time they've met.

If there is one person we all know in common, it would be Gu Lan.

Where else could they find a second person that both of them could trust.

Feng Chenglin continued to eat his food: "Anyway, I gave you an idea. As for whether you recognize it or not, you should know in your heart."

This is a bit strange to say.

Ling Luoyu couldn't help but frowned: "Damn fat man, you have learned to speak in a strange way recently, right? If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Feng Chenglin's mouth was full and he smiled vaguely: "Third Young Master, you have always been smart. If there is no third person you can trust between the two of you, then find a fourth one. …”

Ling Luoyu was a little confused when he heard this: "I can't even find the third one, you want me to find the fourth one?"

Feng Chenglin put down his chopsticks with an unhappy look on his face: "They all say you are a smart person, but why am I the one who is so wise and foolish sometimes? You don't understand such a simple truth?!"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

Feng Chenglin shook his head and turned to Lu Ming: "What about you? Master Lu, do you understand what I mean?"

Lu Ming remained silent and did not speak.

Feng Chenglin chuckled: "Okay, you don't need to answer. Looking at you like this, you probably don't understand!"

He stood up, shook his head, and looked very disdainful: "They say that the smartest people in the world are just a few of you, but now it seems to me that it is nothing more than that..."

Ling Luoyu was unhappy: "Feng Chenglin, what do you mean?"

Feng Chenglin immediately put on a smiling face: "No, I'm teasing you. It's just a joke. You won't be angry, right?"

He cleaned the table and took out a pair of chopsticks.

"It's still the same game as before. One chopstick represents one of you. Originally, I wanted you to find someone you know and trust in common. Let's call him the third person, which is the third chopstick..."

He placed the chopsticks on the table.

"But you both said that you can't find such a person, so let's take a step back. Third Young Master, you can find another person, the fourth person, and Mr. Lu, you can also find someone, who can be regarded as the fifth person..."

Lu Ming's pupils shrank.

He somewhat understood what Feng Chenglin meant.

But Ling Luoyu didn't seem to understand, and was very impatient: "Damn fat man, what on earth are you going to say?"

Feng Chenglin sighed helplessly: "To put it simply, the fourth and fifth people are the people you trust most, and then let the fourth and fifth people find a common sixth person. This The person you trust the fourth and fifth most indirectly means that he is the person you both trust the most, isn't that the same thing?"

Ling Luoyu stopped talking and looked down at the chopsticks, seeming to be thinking about something.

Lu Ming also stood there thoughtfully, silent.

Feng Chenglin looked at the expressions of the two people and chuckled: "How is it? If I say this, you both should understand, right?!"

Ling Luoyu and Lu Ming immediately looked at each other.

Feng Chenglin saw the clues and clapped his hands: "It seems that you all have the same person in mind?"

Ling Luoyu: "I do have one, but I'm just not sure...if this person has anything to do with Mr. Lu Ming!"

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