Princess Against the World

Chapter 7548 He is indeed a handsome man-7

Lu Ming obviously knew who she was talking about: "What you want to say should be Mo Xishu, right?"

Ling Luoyu smiled noncommittally: "It seems that Mr. Lu Ming really has a deep understanding of my past. Even the grandmother of the Mo family knows it!"

Lu Ming smiled half-heartedly: "With such a strong opponent, if you are not careful, you will be doomed. Who dares to be careless for the sake of your own life?"

Feng Chenglin clapped his hands and laughed: "It seems that my idea is good. The two of you have reached a consensus. Why don't you have a suitable candidate?"

Ling Luoyu didn't answer, just looked at Lu Ming quietly.

Lu Ming understood what she meant: "The Mo family... is a family that is not easy to mess with. Over the years, they and the Divine Master can be said to be the most powerful among their rivals!"

Feng Chenglin laughed: "Isn't this a good thing? Does it mean that someone can restrain the Lord of God?"

He glanced at Lu Ming and found that his eyes were wrong.

But this guy didn't intend to hide it, he directly said what he meant: "It's a good thing for us!"

Lu Ming had completely uncovered their identities and origins.

It is estimated that everything that can be pulled out has been exposed.

The grudge between them and the Lord of God is no secret to Lu Ming.

Since it's not a secret, why keep it secret? !

At that moment, he came closer and smiled carelessly: "The old man, the Lord of God, is avoiding seeing him now. He can't even see the shadow of a ghost. I don't know... Mr. Lu Ming, do you know?"

Lu Ming glanced at him meaningfully, then turned to Ling Luoyu: "If Miss Ling thinks that method is feasible, I do have a suitable candidate. That person's surname is also Mo, and his name is Mo Leng. Speaking of which... he should be Mo Xishu. My uncle, if Miss Ling has any doubts, you can ask Mo Xishu!"

He did not answer Feng Chenglin's question.

Apparently he deliberately avoided it.

Feng Chenglin was very sensible and didn't ask any more questions. He just leaned there with a smile on his lips and looked at him leisurely.

Ling Luoyu narrowed his eyes: "I still have to go back and discuss this matter. If it is feasible, I will give you the answer tomorrow!"

She greeted Feng Chenglin and turned to leave.

Lu Ming did not hold back and watched their figures go away.

Until he couldn't see anything, he raised his fingers and called his confidants: "Follow them, don't alert others. No matter what they are doing, they are pretending not to know. You must not let them know that you are following them!"

The men agreed and left.

On the way back, Feng Chenglin and Ling Luoyu walked in tandem.

Neither of them spoke.

The market next to me was noisy.

But a bone-deep coldness burst out from both of them.

An invisible gap seemed to have formed between the two of them, abruptly severing their previous relationship.

Inside a teahouse.

Dingmiao was lying by the window, looking at the passers-by, feeling very listless.

It wasn't until he saw Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin that he cheered up a little.

"Miss Ling, this way..."

Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin walked into the teahouse one after another.

Waiter Jin followed and walked up with a smile on his face: "You two, what do you want to use?"

Feng Chenglin: "First some peanuts and a pot of tea..."

Ling Luoyu suddenly shouted for no reason: "Get out!"

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