Princess Against the World

Chapter 7549 He is indeed a handsome man-8

Feng Chenglin and Xiao Er were stunned at the same time.

The two men looked at each other.

The waiter kept smiling: "Girl, I, have I offended you in any way?"

It seems like they just met for the first time, right?

And when he came up to say hello, he didn't do anything presumptuous, right? !

Why did he make her unhappy?

Feng Chenglin shook his hair understandingly: "Don't worry, he's not talking about you, he's talking about me!"

Ling Luoyu suddenly turned his eyes and smiled coldly: "It's rare, Feng Chenglin, that you can guess my thoughts so quickly!"

She chuckled, her face full of sarcasm: "But, having said that, it's no wonder that the current Young Master Feng has also had experience and scheming, and he is a big shot who can stand alone and call upon the wind and rain!"

Feng Chenglin raised his head coldly and met her gaze without any fear: "That rare person should be you, Miss Ling, right?! This is the first time in so many years that you have praised me like this... Although, This praise is a bit false, and it sounds perfunctory at first glance, but who doesn’t like to hear good words? I like to hear them too..."

Turning around, he stared at the waiter: "Brother, waiter, do you think so?"

The waiter looked confused, and even more innocent: ... He didn't provoke anyone, he was doing business well, he was doing his job well, why was he being attacked?

Ling Luoyu smiled mockingly: "What's the matter, you damn fat man? You are becoming more and more confident in your words now, your waist is getting harder and harder, and you are becoming more and more manly!"

Feng Chenglin shook his hair again, with a twitchy expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile: "Miss Ling, you only know me now? It's such a pity. I wasted so many years following you all over the world, everywhere in the world. , I even almost lost my life for you several times, but now, with this result, it’s really a bit chilling!”

Ling Luoyu: "Yes, now you finally speak your mind. What's wrong? Do you want to break up with me?"

Feng Chenglin suddenly fell silent.

Ling Luoyu, however, seemed to be unreasonable and pressed forward step by step: "Why don't you speak? Oh, I know, that's because someone knows very well that once he leaves me, his life will be in danger, so... …”

Her eyes were fierce and aggressive: "Feng Chenglin, listen to me. I don't care what you were like before. Now that you are with me, you must stick to your duty and do what you should do." thing, otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Chenglin suddenly slapped the table with his hand, and the table shattered with a "click".

The huge movement attracted other customers in the store to look sideways.

Dingmiao waved his hands quickly: "What's wrong with you two? You were fine just now. Why did you go out once and end up like this when you come back?"

"you shut up!"

"None of your business!"

Feng Chenglin and Ling Luoyu spoke almost in unison, suppressing Ding Miao's words.

At the same time, the two raised their hands and pointed at each other.

Ling Luoyu: "Listen to me..."

Feng Chenglin: "From now on..."

The two people spoke at the same time and were silent at the same time, looking at each other aggressively and hostilely.

Dingmiao: ...What are you doing! ?

In the end, it was Feng Chenglin who said first: "Okay, I'm a big man. It's hard not to fight with women, so you go first!"

Ling Luoyu sneered: "To be honest, I really saw the big heart of a grown man in you today..."

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