Princess Against the World

Chapter 7551 He is indeed a handsome man-10

"Ling Luoyu, let me tell you, I have tolerated you for a long time these years. Don't think that because you are a woman, I won't hit you. Let me tell you, I can also hit women..."

The roaring Feng Chenglin really raised his palm, his beastly power exploded to the extreme, and he fought back fiercely without any hesitation.

Is Ling Luoyu the kind of person who spoils his children?

of course not.

Facing Feng Chenglin's attack, she took action without hesitation.


The soul blade shot out of the air.

Dingmiao: ...I'm going. Do you want to play big this time? !

Without any hesitation, he turned around and left the teahouse immediately.

Sure enough, he had just left the teahouse.

The teahouse disappeared with a "boom".

The disgraced guests stood up cursing.

But before they could stand still, a shock wave struck, knocking them all away instantly.

For a moment, everyone was hit and screamed in pain, some fainted, and some were seriously injured.

Dingmiao looked at them with sympathy: "If you have time to curse, you might as well run for your life. This is a lack of vision..."

Sure enough, all the dead salted fish are seeking death themselves! !

However, Feng Chenglin and Ling Luoyu were not injured by these people, but showed signs of stopping and still fought together.

Dingmiao: ...Alas! !

With these two people around, you really can't live long without a little desire to survive!

God knows when we'll get together! !

He dusted himself off, turned around and bought pastries, then found a shady place. After sitting down quietly, he watched the two people fighting fiercely there.

Some people who narrowly escaped death wailed and screamed out of the ruins.

People around came to help and asked what happened?

Dingmiao shook his head and looked at those people: "These guys are really careless and ask what happened. Can't you tell? Their heads are going to look like dogs' brains!"

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, several slightly out-of-place people appeared in his sight.

They are different from those who run for their lives or help.

Even though the place was in a mess and full of people, they stood in several places, quietly watching Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin fighting together.

Dingmiao's heart moved, and he looked thoughtfully at the two people fighting, and then at those guys.

"The place where they are standing is a good place for observation!"

It shows that these people are definitely not ordinary people watching the excitement.

Looking at Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin again, Dingmiao couldn't help but laugh out loud: "I'm just saying, these two people are so good, why did they suddenly fight, and hit them so hard, it turns out they were just acting. !”

With the cultivation and abilities of these two guys, they must have known that there was a tail behind them and an eyeliner watching them.

Therefore, from the beginning, they were tit for tat, looking for thorns in each other, waiting for the opportunity to fight.

Moreover, a dozen of them are the kind that would tear down someone else’s teahouse.

——This is for fear that others will not know that the two of them have a falling out.

That’s why you fight so hard!

Thinking of this, Dingmiao was no longer in a hurry and ate snacks leisurely.

The fight between Feng Chenglin and Ling Luoyu became more and more intense. The two really showed off their absolute strength, and they were inseparable.

In mid-air.

Feng Chenglin glanced at the ground: "Let me tell you, Third Young Master, have we gone too far with this drama? Look at what kind of disaster it has caused to other people's good business."

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