Princess Against the World

Chapter 7552 He is indeed a handsome man-11

Ling Luoyu didn't take it seriously: "Didn't you get a lot of gold and silver jewelry from Mr. Lu Ming? Just pay it to them later!"

Feng Chenglin felt a little pained: "I got it based on my own skills..."

Ling Luoyu rolled his eyes: "Didn't you demolish someone else's teahouse with your skills?"

Feng Chenglin: ...It seems, yes! !

That's what he said, but now that those gold, silver and jewelry are in his hands, they belong to him.

Now I have to hold it out with both hands and give it to others, which is a bit unwilling.

At that moment, while fighting back, he muttered in a low voice: "If I had known this, I would have asked for more, and I should have included all the losses!"

Ling Luoyu smiled brightly: "Don't worry, when we finish the fight and determine the winner, Lu Ming will see your strength and will definitely buy you with a lot of money. By then, you will open your mouth like a lion, It’s never too late!”

Feng Chenglin immediately beamed and was in a good mood: "That's right. What happens then? I won't have the final say on the price?!"

This battle with Ling Luoyu was the result of discussion between the two of them.

Because they knew very well that Lu Ming would not trust them so easily, but he would not leave these two sharp weapons in vain without using them.

If you think about it from another perspective, if they were Lu Ming, the best choice at this time would be to reuse one of them.

In this way, the two of them would not be able to get together.

If things go on like this, you will lose heart.

In this case, Lu Ming can use it with confidence.

That's why they cooperated with Lu Ming and acted out such a drama of "turning each other against each other".

As for why the teahouse was destroyed, it was entirely because of the plot.

Only by making the matter as big as possible and making it known to everyone will Lu Ming be more convinced.

Now it seems that things are almost done.

The two of them winked at each other. Feng Chenglin suddenly exerted force, and the beast-like power exploded. The whirlwind condensed into a ball and slammed into the soul blade.

The soul blade flew upside down and flew back to Ling Luoyu's hand.

Gravity hit him, and Ling Luoyu was knocked away hard.

When he spun around and landed on the ground, a trace of blood appeared from the corner of his mouth.

Dingmiao was a little unsure: "...these two guys are really falling out, right? Why is there blood?"

Ling Luo raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, lowered his eyes, glanced at the blood on his hand, raised his head coldly, and stared at Feng Chenglin.

"Damn fat man, you are really capable now. You can even bleed me."

Feng Chenglin's expression was full of shame, and he was very proud: "It's really not easy to be praised by you, Third Young Master. For so many years, I have been shrouded in your glory. The world only knows that there are You, Ling Luoyu, don’t even know that I, Feng Chenglin, exists!”

He patted his chest heavily, looking very high-spirited.

"Now, can I also fight this battle... What do you mean by that?"

He winked, seemed to be thinking very hard, and then laughed.

"Yes, I became famous in one battle! Now, I can be regarded as becoming famous in one battle, right?!"

Ling Luoyu Danshui glanced at you with a traceless eyeliner: "Don't think that you are appreciated by Lu Ming now, he just wants to use you!"

"Aren't you using me?" Feng Chenglin smiled disdainfully: "For you, aren't I just being used?"

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