Princess Against the World

Chapter 7553 He is indeed a handsome man-12

He spread his fingers and counted them one by one: "...In the past, when we were together, when did I encounter danger, didn't I fight in front? Every time we encountered difficult things, I was the first one to rush forward. , even if I am injured, I will be injured before you..."

Ling Luoyu frowned: "You did those things voluntarily, could it be that I forced you to do them?"

Feng Chenglin's face turned ugly: "Ling Luoyu, what do you mean? Do you think I deserve it? Or do you think that as a licking dog, everything I did was deserved, even if I lost my life because of you, Do I deserve it too?"

Ling Luoyu didn't answer.

But his eyes confirmed what he just said.

Feng Chenglin's self-esteem was greatly humiliated: "Ling Luoyu's Ling Luoyu, I really didn't expect that you would be such a person. How could I be blind before and not see what kind of person you are? ?”

Ling Luoyu sneered: "We are each other, and I was blind to be friends with you!"

Feng Chenglin gritted his teeth in embarrassment: "You said this, don't regret it!"

Ling Luoyu stared coldly: "Regret? Fengcheng Lin, you have been with me for so long, don't you know that I, Ling Luoyu, have never had the word regret in my life dictionary?"

Feng Chenglin was completely irritated, and he stabbed her between the eyebrows: "Ling Luoyu, please remember, for what you said today, one day, I will make you pay for what you said. !”

Ling Luoyu swatted his hand away relentlessly: "Do you have what it takes?!"

"You, okay, okay, you're cruel..." Feng Chenglin roared through gritted teeth.

Glancing around, it was estimated that Lu Ming's spies had seen the two of them making such a fuss.

He blinked at Ling Luoyu and raised his voice again: "Ling Luoyu, remember what you said today. I hope you won't regret it in the future!"

Angrily, he turned around, threw his hands away, and strode away.

Dingmiao came over confused and looked at Feng Chenglin's back: "What kind of drama are you two doing?"

Ling Luoyu smiled half-heartedly: "Don't you know?"

Dingmiao whispered: "I guessed a little bit, but I didn't expect that you two would play so crazy!"

Ling Luoyu glanced at the food in his hand and said with disgust: "Why is it so dirty?"

All the delicacies were covered with a layer of ash.

Dingmiao pointed to the collapsed teahouse: "You are making so much noise, why are you seeing ghosts if you are not dirty?"

He picked up a fruit, rubbed it on his clothes, and took a bite.

Thinking of something, he handed another one to Ling Luoyu: "Want one?"

Ling Luoyu pushed away in disgust: "You'd better eat it yourself..."

Suddenly, she turned around and looked behind her, and suddenly pushed Dingmiao away with one hand: "Don't follow me."

She left quickly without looking back.

Although Dingmiao didn't know what happened, he sensed that something was wrong.

At that moment, he bit the fruit and spat at Ling Luoyu's back: "If you don't want to eat it, you won't eat it. You are still so fierce. That guy is right to separate from you..."

As he spoke, he bit the fruit and left casually.

When no one was around, he quickly ducked into the corner and nervously peered at the place where he had just been standing.

After a while, two burly men in purple clothes flew to the ground.

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