Princess Against the World

Chapter 7554 He is indeed a handsome man-13

One of them sniffed the air vigorously and pointed in the direction where Ling Luoyu disappeared: "That girl's breath is over there!"

The two men flew away again without stopping.

Dingmiao was hiding in the corner, his eyes flashing: "Now, things are really getting serious..."

These two people were wearing specific clothes.

On the left shoulder of the clothes, there is an obvious family emblem - Mo! !

Mo Xishu’s family! !

People of the Mo family have always lived in seclusion.

Moreover, he hid everywhere because he was avoiding the Lord of God.

On weekdays, they pay great attention to their whereabouts and will not leave any obvious traces.

But today they not only showed up, but also wore the Mo family's unique emblem clothes.

Dingmiao's heart began to beat wildly: "Is this saying that the Mo family and the Lord of God...are openly provoking?"

For him, if people from the Mo family can come forward, it means that the matter is almost done.

The Mo family has been dormant for so many years, and now that they dare to come forward, they are absolutely confident.

Otherwise, they will never put themselves in danger.

Wait a minute...

Where is Ling Luoyu?

After Dingmiao calmed down, he thought of Ling Luoyu.

With the look she had just now, she probably realized someone was following her, so she pushed him away.

He couldn't help but frowned: "Why did you push me away?"

It stands to reason that the Mo family and the Miao family can join forces to deal with the God Lord together.

After all, among the Gods, the only ones with the strength to join forces and have sworn enemies with the God Lord are the Miao family and the Mo family.

Why did Ling Luoyu push him away?

Could it be that she didn't know that the person coming was from the Mo family, and she was afraid that he would suffer a loss, so she pushed him away and had to bear everything alone?

Thinking of this, he quickly chased in the direction of Ling Luoyu's back.

The main city where the God Lord is located is extremely prosperous.

The streets are paved with bluestone slabs, and no matter how many people walk on them, they are still spotless.

The shops on both sides of the street all have ancient wooden structures, carved dragons and painted buildings, and are brightly colored.

Overall, it is a generous work by a stylist.

Mr. Ling Luoyu bought a bunch of candied haws, fried two mutton skewers, and finally stood in front of the stinky tofu stall, eating and waiting for the stinky tofu to come out of the pot.

Suddenly, she seemed to sense something and slowly turned her head to look to the right.

On the right, two unfamiliar faces were looking at her.

Seeing her staring at him, he immediately turned his head away from her sight, pretended to buy vegetables, and picked up the vegetables in front of the vegetable vendor.

The smell of stinky tofu hit them, and the two people immediately looked at each other.

A shadow appeared on the stall.

Then, there was a shallow smile: "You two, you have followed me all the way. Are you hungry? If you are, I will treat you to something to eat. If you are thirsty, let's go to the tea stall in front for a cup of tea. how?"

The two people looked at each other for a while, neither of them spoke.

Ling Luoyu smiled: "Don't look at each other. I'm here to treat you to this meal. If you don't eat, I'm sorry, that means you don't give me face. The consequences of not giving me face are a bit serious..."

She didn't care what their expressions were, she turned around and walked away, heading towards a large restaurant.

Who knows, before entering the door, the guards at the door drew out their swords and pointed them straight at him.


"do not come……"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

oops! !

This is a bit interesting!

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