Princess Against the World

Chapter 7560 He is indeed a handsome man-19

Mr. Tang: "You're a big-hearted girl. You haven't seen the kid for so long, and you still have the energy to ask An Yi about that kid..."

Ling Luoyu's face turned red instantly.

If it were anyone else, she would have asked directly.

But now, sitting in front of her was Mr. Tang.

No matter what, he is considered an elder.

In front of elders, you still have to be somewhat measured.

Mr. Tang saw her thoughts and smiled kindly: "Don't worry, he is very good, but he has been very busy recently. He is contacting the clan leaders everywhere. I have only seen him once in a few days, but counting the time, he should be here You’ll be back in two days!”

Ling Luoyu's cheeks turned redder: "I just don't mean anything else. Even if grandma is injured, I don't know if he knows..."

"Who was injured?" Mr. Tang jumped up suddenly, his face changed: "Which grandma is yours?"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

She said it as if she had several grandparents.

"That's right, the Mo family's grandmother..."

Ling Luoyu's words paused and his eyes darkened.

"Mr. Tang, you don't know!?"

Mr. Tang shook his head in panic: "How did I know that she... No, she is also in the God Clan? She is here too?!"

Ling Luoyu nodded again: "Moreover, she was injured, quite badly..."

Before he finished speaking, Mr. Tang grabbed his arm and pulled him up forcefully.

"Then why are you still sitting there? Take me to see her quickly. Go there now, immediately, immediately..."

As soon as the two people walked out of the door, they saw An Yi coming towards them.

He was holding a food box in his hand, and he didn't know what it contained.

When he saw them, he immediately ran over with a smile on his face: "Master, sister-in-law, look, I made some soup and porridge for you with my own hands..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Mr. Tang's expression was not right, and he immediately stopped smiling: "Master, what's going on?"

Mr. Tang wanted to explain something, then waved his hand: "We have something to go out for. You wait here. Don't wander around or follow us!"

Without waiting for An Yi to reply, he took Ling Luoyu's hand and ran away.

Ling Luoyu couldn't help but frown: ...Mr. Tang is really worried about Mo Xishu's injury.

If you put it this way, the two of them have really never met each other in the Protoss.

This is very wrong.

Even she knew that among the gods today, if there was one person who could care deeply for Mo Xishu and treat her well, then this person must be Mr. Tang.

But since he was so important, why didn't Mo Xishu inform him of his coming to the God Clan immediately?

The two of them have known each other for a long time, and they definitely have contact information that they can know.

She asked in a low voice calmly: "Mr. Tang, if you knew that our grandmother was in the God Clan, would you go to find her immediately?"

Mr. Tang was a little absent-minded: "Of course, do you need to say this?"

Ling Luoyu: "Then there must be a unique method of communication between you two?"

Mr. Tang frowned: "Of course there are!"

He stopped and looked at Ling Luoyu thoughtfully: "What do you want to say?"

Ling Luoyu shook his head: "I think there is something wrong with my grandmother. She was injured, and the injury was so serious. But no matter how I asked, who was the murderer who injured her, she never told me!"

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