Princess Against the World

Chapter 7561 He is indeed a handsome man-20

"The murderer?" Mr. Tang was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashing: "She, was she seriously injured?"


"Did you suffer the injury recently?"

"...That should be it, right?" Ling Luoyu noticed something was wrong: "Mr. Tang, do you know who it is?"

Mr. Tang nodded heavily: "I may know!"

Ling Luoyu widened his eyes curiously, waiting for the answer.

But what answered her was Mr. Tang's silence.

After a long while, he lowered his eyes and said, "Let's go!"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

This, leaving now? ?

What does this say?

Did you talk about loneliness? !

I thought I would know who the murderer is!

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be such a result.

"Mr. Tang..."

"Let's go!" Mr. Tang obviously didn't want to say anything more to Ling Luoyu, so he turned around and walked away quickly.

Ling Luoyu caught up: "...but the murderer..."

Mr. Tang interrupted her: "She must have a reason for not telling you!"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

She really couldn't figure it out.

What kind of opponent she was, even Mr. Tang was so taboo that he didn't dare to tell her the slightest bit of information.

Mr. Tang was thinking about Mo Xishu and drove slowly along the way, and soon arrived at her residence.

Just as he was about to enter the yard, Ling Luoyu stopped him again: "Mr. Tang, I think... I still need to tell you about my grandmother's injury first?!"

Mr. Tang shook off her hand: "What are you worried about?"


"Aren't you worried that... I will look down on her after seeing her disfigured or disabled?"

Ling Luoyu was silent for a moment: "Of course not!"

But it was this moment of silence that made Mr. Tang understand what she meant - that's what she meant.

This is understandable. After all, for a woman, what could be more damaging to her self-esteem than being seriously injured and mutilated?

He shook his head silently: "Miss Ling, do you really underestimate me? For some men, the most important thing about a woman is her appearance and figure, but for me, what I need is the soul. It’s a perfect fit, not these unwarranted appearances!”

There was still some anger in his voice, and he obviously felt that Ling Luoyu's words were a bit insulting to him.

Turning around, he was about to open the door, but was stopped by Ling Luoyu again.

"Mr. Tang, you misunderstood. I'm not worried about you, but about grandma. Regarding women's words, no one wants their appearance to be damaged... in front of a man they care about. Show it, you know what I mean. Bar?"

Mr. Tang pushed her away again: "Girl, if you think so, you are just underestimating her!"

Watching him push open the door and enter, Ling Luoyu stood there firmly.

After a long time, he blinked his eyes, feeling a little belatedly.

"What do you mean? Why... after doing this for a long time, I seem to be the clown?"

Looking at the yard again, Ling Luoyu felt that he was a little redundant at this time.

Thinking that it would take some time before Mo Xuanchen could see him, he decided to go see Feng Chenglin first.

Nowadays, I don’t know how well this guy communicates with Lu Ming.

When she arrived at Luming's bedroom, she changed her appearance and clothes, pretending to be a fat old woman, carrying a bucket with a limp step, watering the flowers, and walking to the backyard.

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