Princess Against the World

Chapter 7563 Everyone is a distinguished guest-2

In order to avoid the eyes of the two guards, Ling Luoyu instantly escaped into the realm of chaos after entering the inner door.

It’s better not to inform Feng Chenglin about what he is doing here.

When she gets there, she wants to see what kind of trouble this guy is going to make here.

The garden was very lively, and servants were busy going back and forth.

From a distance, Ling Luoyu saw a newly built stage.

Ling Luoyu frowned: "These people still want to sing?"

What a good mood!

Directly opposite the stage is a golden glazed tent. There are gold curtains hanging around the glazed tent, and several figures can be vaguely seen inside.

The figure of one of them was very disharmonious.

He was leaning in the chair, his legs were crossed on the desk, and he was sitting idly.

Ling Luoyu muttered: "...this damn fat guy!"

No one else but Feng Chenglin could sit in such a careless posture. Anyway, a young master from an aristocratic family couldn't sit with his aura.

Suddenly, Ling Luoyu noticed something was wrong.

Sitting in the middle of Feng Chenglin's side was a slender and tall figure, with a maid holding a neon feather fan behind him. He should be the host of this banquet...Lu Ming.

But, who is the person on Lu Ming's right hand side?

The man was tall and tall, wearing a bamboo hat with vertical black gauze.

Behind this man, six people stood side by side, three men and three women, wearing uniform sect costumes.

And the clothes of this sect looked very familiar to Ling Luoyu - the uniforms of the Mohist disciples! !

Yes! !

The Mo family disciple who followed her not long ago was wearing such clothes.

The only difference is that the person following her wore a red belt around their waists, while these people wore black belts around their waists.

"How dare the Mo family come so blatantly to... the shrine??"

What kind of world is this?

After the Divine Lord disappeared, did these guys start showing off their power?

And he was so arrogant, coming directly to the palace of the God Lord? !

Yes, God Lord, can’t he lift his forty-meter machete? !

In the camp, Feng Chenglin leaned lazily in his chair and cracked melon seeds.


Crack open the melon seed shells.


Spit out the melon seed skin.

The melon seed peels were spinning in circles, flying towards where the Mo family was.

The drink with saliva fell into the tea cup in front of the man in the bamboo hat.

Everyone's expressions changed.

Even Lu Ming's pupils shrank... This is a bit too insulting! !

I wonder how the people of the Mo family will deal with it?

He moved his eyelids calmly and glanced sideways at the man in the bamboo hat. He gave Danshui a traceless look as if nothing had happened.

The man in the bamboo hat didn't say anything, but one of his subordinates behind him couldn't help it.

He pointed the finger of his right hand at Feng Chenglin, his eyes full of murderous intent: "Boy, you are so impudent!"

Feng Chenglin rolled his eyes at him, slowly grabbed a melon seed, cracked it open, and with a "pop", spittle flew out of the melon seed shell.

The direction in which the melon seed shells flew was still the man in the bamboo hat.

This is Chi Guoguo’s provocation!

"You drink your tea, and I eat my melon seeds. We don't mess with the river. Why am I so presumptuous?"

Feng Chenglin had that twitchy look in his eyes, provoking the opponent's bottom line wantonly.

"Besides, you are a distinguished guest, and I am also a distinguished guest. Our two families sit in the same position, and we are both the right-hand man of Mr. Lu Ming. Why do you have to be superior to others, and do you care about me knocking melon seeds? !”

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