Princess Against the World

Chapter 7564 Everyone is a distinguished guest-3

The subordinate's eyes suddenly changed: "Who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have to be on an equal footing with our young master?"

Feng Chenglin gave him a killing look: "If there is one of us who is not a thing, it should be you, right?! Flattery!!"


"Shut up! You're just bringing trouble to your master!" Feng Chenglin threw a handful of melon seeds on the man's face: "Haven't you ever heard that a biting dog doesn't bark? You barked like that Excited, I am afraid that your master will not pay attention to your kindness, because you will make others unhappy, and this unhappiness will eventually be repaid by your master... So, you better give me your dog. Shut up!"

When it comes to venomous tongues, Feng Chenglin has always been unique.

"You guy..." The other man roared angrily, raising his fist as if he was going to hit Feng Chenglin.

Feng Chenglin still crossed his legs, looking carefree and arrogant: "How dare you!"

As expected, the person opposite stopped and subconsciously looked at the man in the bamboo hat.

And apparently, he was waiting for his master's orders.

The man in the bamboo hat finally gave him a look: "For such a guy, just teach him a lesson. After all, we are also guests..."

Feng Chenglin: "..."

Damn it! !

This guy doesn't play by the rules at all!

Theoretically speaking, shouldn't he be scolding his subordinates at this time to prevent them from misbehaving?

After all, Lu Ming is still here at this time!

To put it in a harsher tone, it’s like “beating a dog depends on the owner”!

Lu Ming, the boss, was still sitting here with dignity, but that guy dared to attack him. He didn't take Lu Ming seriously at all!

In that case...

Feng Chenglin is not someone who spoils children.

Seeing the opponent punching him, he was not polite.

His feet suddenly hit the ground, and he made a fist with his right hand and swung it out. The beast's power exploded to the extreme at that moment.


The guy on the opposite side didn't even fully unleash his fists and kicks before he was punched away by the beast-shaped force.

Before anyone else could move, Feng Chenglin said "Ouch" with a face full of laughter, jumped up suddenly, and looked at the other person with an exaggerated expression.

"Oh, this, this...where did this go?"

The guy was punched away by him and fell into the grass in the distance. There was no trace or movement. He didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

The man in the bamboo hat slowly tilted his head and looked at Feng Chenglin.

Through the black gauze, Feng Chenglin could feel the hostility and murderous intent bursting out of his eyes.

Raising his eyebrows, Feng Chenglin clapped his hands and tilted his head lazily: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

He glanced sideways at the other party and said with disdain: "You guys didn't respect martial ethics and made the first move. I was just acting in self-defense. Besides, that guy was not as strong as me and was beaten away. Do you blame me?!"

The man in the bamboo hat seemed to be suppressing the anger in his chest, and smiled sinisterly: "If his skills are inferior to others, it is not a pity to die. That is what he deserves, and he cannot blame others!"

Fengcheng Lin clapped his hands and acted a little embarrassed: "Yes, that's the way it is. You said that if you are capable, then just tuck your tail between your legs and be your guard dog, isn't it? Why do you have to be the boss? I was wagging my tail in front of me to please you, but now I’m fine. I’m not asking for any credit, but I’m making myself miserable...hehehehe..."

He smiled, very proudly.

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