Princess Against the World

Chapter 7575 Everyone is a distinguished guest-14

If she guessed correctly, the person Feng Chenglin was talking about in the conversation just now should be Ling Luoyu.

In other words, Ling Luoyu is in this room.

Moreover, she appears here in an invisible state.

Thinking of this possible Lu Ming, a shiver ran down his back for an instant, and an inexplicable cold air shot up from the soles of his feet and went straight to Tianling Gai.

It’s too scary to think about.

Within the range that they couldn't see, there was a pair of eyes staring at them.

Under the eyes of others, they have nowhere to hide and can no longer hide any secrets.

Mo Lin saw Lu Ming's expression and was shocked.

For a moment, he didn't have the intention to care about what Feng Chenglin said. He quickly walked up to Lu Ming and asked with concern.

"Mr. Lu, what's wrong with you? I think you look a little bad?"

"It's okay, I'm okay, I was just a little distracted for a moment."

Who is Lu Ming? He quickly calmed down his mood, pretended that nothing happened, and smiled generously.

"A thought that suddenly flashed across my mind reminded me of some past events. I'm sorry for losing my composure!"

Feng Chenglin took this opportunity to answer: "I understand, I understand, wasn't I the same thing just now? Suddenly I thought of what happened before, so I started talking to myself, you two didn't scare you, right?"

These words relieved the embarrassment he had just felt.

Lu Ming gave him a meaningful look, but did not expose his guess.

"In that case, let's put all the past things aside. The most important thing now is to solve the current crisis!"

Feng Chenglin changed his posture and said with a serious face: "Well... before talking about the whole thing, can I ask first what are the causes and consequences of the whole thing?"

To be honest, he is just living like a fool now.

Whichever way the wind blows, he just follows it. He just ignores every move and only cares about what's in front of him.

As for what happened here and who was involved, he really had no idea at all.

Mo Lin looked at him with impatient eyes again: ...I really don't know where Lu Ming picked up this living treasure.

A useless person who doesn't understand anything is still here as a treasure.

I don’t know where he got the qualifications to be equal to me.

However, due to Lu Ming's face, he did not get angry this time, but forcibly suppressed the unhappiness in his heart.

"Just now, didn't Young Master Lu make it very clear? With the disappearance of the God Master, our God Clan has lost its leader. Therefore, the most important thing now is to elect a person who is in charge of the family to lead everyone against that A force!”

Feng Chenglin muttered a few times and resisted the urge to curse: "My question is, who are the forces we are going to deal with?"

"have no idea!"

"I don't know!"

Lu Ming and Mo Lin answered at the same time.

Feng Chenglin: "..."

Your uncle! !

You two don’t know, so why are you dragging him along?

Fishing in troubled waters? !

"You two don't know?" Feng Chenglin rubbed his nose and smiled half-heartedly: "Why don't I believe it?!"

Lu Ming and Mo Lin looked at each other and remained silent in unison without answering his question.

Looking at the looks of the two of them, Feng Chenglin already had the answer in his heart.

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