Princess Against the World

Chapter 7576 Everyone is a distinguished guest-15

He smiled, his expression was indifferent, but he could not hide his anger: "I know, you two, it's not that you really don't know, but you think it is a secret, and this secret is too mysterious to be told to people like An outsider like me, right?!”

Lu Ming frowned: "Things are not what you said!"

Mo Lin rolled his eyes and said in his heart: "It seems that you still know how much you weigh."

After coughing, he finally didn't say the words that deserved a beating.

However, what he said later was quite unpleasant.

"I said, Feng Chenglin, I don't care what you did before, I don't know, and I'm not interested in knowing, but you have also seen our Mo family and Mr. Lu's shrine, they are all well-known figures, we all What we do is not just for ourselves, but represents the forces behind us!"

Feng Chenglin was confused when he heard this: "...What do you mean by this? You are saying that I am fighting alone, and you are an army of thousands, so I am only qualified to be your pawn, and I am not qualified to know your The method of fighting, right? In other words, wherever you ask me to fight, I have to fight with my eyes closed, and I don’t deserve to know why I want to fight, or in other words, can I choose not to fight? ??”

He laughed twice, his face full of ridicule.

"If you don't have anyone at home, do you still have to ask me to be your pawn and fight for you?"

He stood up suddenly, furious.

"My surname is Mo, let me tell you, even if I am alone, I can defeat your thousands of troops!"

Dogs look down upon people!


I really want to kick him! !

The most hateful thing is this approach of using people to go forward and not using people to go to the back.

When they need him, he will be Brother Feng, and he will be their vanguard.

There is no need for him, so he is here to sneer and laugh at him for fighting alone.

Lu Mingdan touched his head in pain: "Why are we arguing again?"

We agreed not to quarrel, but in the blink of an eye, we started a war again! ?

Were these two people enemies and sworn enemies in their previous lives?

Otherwise, why would we start a fight as soon as we meet?

This time, Mo Lin took the overall situation into consideration and did not confront Feng Chenglin head-on. Instead, he gave a cold smile with a superficial smile.

"Brother Feng, I misunderstood. I didn't mean that. I was just reminding you that the whole matter is of great importance and I don't want you to know. There are naturally reasons for not letting you know. You can think of it this way. We don't want to let you know." Letting you know is actually for your own good. After all, in some periods, the more you know, the faster you die!"

"For my own good?!" Feng Chenglin chuckled and rolled his eyes: "What you say is for my own good is to make me fight for you like a fool and be a pawn?! In this case, …”

He took a step back, opened his arms, and looked calm.

"Then we really have nothing to say! As for your secrets... Haha, I'm sorry, I really don't have much interest in knowing it!"

Turning around, he waved his hand at Lu Ming and said hello.

"Master Lu, the fate between us two ends here. It seems that we have no fate and can't continue it!"

"Master Feng, what are you doing, eh... Master Feng, wait a moment, come back..." Lu Ming quickly stood up to stop him.

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