Princess Against the World

Chapter 7579 Everyone is a distinguished guest-18

Looking at her reaction again, she immediately lowered her head to look at the ground, suddenly realizing.

"Third Young Master, are you saying that the sound just now... came from underground?"

"Don't you think that voice is similar?"

"When you say it like that, I really feel... a bit like it!"

Feng Chenglin realized something was wrong, and quickly knelt down on the ground, put his ear close to the ground, and listened carefully.

But after listening for a long time, there was nothing.

The sound was like a sudden vibration, disappearing in an instant and never appearing again.

Feng Chenglin stood up and scratched his head: "What the hell, ever since we came, all this mess has come out. For those who don't know, they thought they were here specifically for us!"

What is said is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

Ling Luoyu's expression changed and he looked at him thoughtfully: "What did you say?"

"I'm joking," Feng Chenglin agreed casually. Then he noticed that her expression was wrong and immediately became more serious: "I just said, if you don't know, you thought these messy things were all directed at us. Are you?" Don’t you think of something?”

"Isn't it aimed at us? It seems that everything... has something to do with us, right?"

Feng Chenglin was confused by what she said: "It seems that we shouldn't treat such things in a unified way. What happens around us is naturally related to us?"

Matters related to others cannot involve them, right?

He really didn't understand what Ling Luoyu meant.

"Third Young Master, what on earth do you want to say?"

"Gu Lan, Lu Ming, the Mo family, Mr. Tang... and the forces they are taboo on!! Which of them has nothing to do with us?"

"Third Young Master, if you say that, I will refute you!" Feng Chenglin didn't understand what Ling Luoyu was going to say at all: "Those things are meant to affect the whole body. All of them, They are all pawns in this game. We have a little relationship with them, but we are not involved in this, right?"

If you go by what she said, it would be really scary to think about it.

"Although I also think something is wrong, your statement... is completely a conspiracy theory!"

Ling Luoyu looked into his eyes thoughtfully: "Have you forgotten what the metaphor given by the way of heaven is?"


"I will die!"


"That is to say, in the ending of this story, I will definitely die. It is because of this that Mo Xuanchen keeps running around, trying to solve this ending for me..."

"...Third Young Master, what exactly do you want to say?"

"I want to say that maybe my end has arrived!"


Feng Chenglin's playful thoughts completely disappeared.

He stood there a little at a loss and a little hesitant.

After a long time, he shook his head gently: "No, is our topic a bit over the top?"

We were talking so well, but why did we suddenly come up with this sad topic?

"Third Young Master, aren't we discussing what that sound is? Didn't we say that the movement came from the bed underground? Why does this come to your story while talking?? What do you mean? The ending has come, and if your ending has come, wouldn’t my story also be over?”

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