Princess Against the World

Chapter 7580 Everyone is a distinguished guest-19

Ling Luoyu sighed helplessly: "Fat man, I mean..."

"No, you didn't say anything. I didn't hear anything. You don't want to say anything and I don't want to hear anything. Let's stop this topic." Feng Chenglin immediately covered his ears, resistance written all over his body!

"Fat man..."

"Shut up, don't talk, I won't listen, shut up, shut up now!"

Feng Chenglin was afraid of all the words he would hear next. He didn't want to hear a word of those words that were unacceptable to him.

"If you say anything again, I will turn around and leave immediately, leaving you alone and beautiful here alone to meet your own end!"

He glared at Ling Luoyu angrily, the threat in his eyes was very obvious.

Ling Luoyu sighed helplessly: "You have always looked down upon life and death. How come the more you experience, the more timid you become?"

"This is not timidity, this is reverence for life!" Feng Chenglin glanced at her and turned around first: "I'm going to find a place to eat. If you're fine, treat me to a vegetarian feast. I've been so busy these days. The young master feeds me so much fish and meat, he gets very angry!"

After a pause, he turned around thoughtfully.

"By the way, let's go have a vegetarian meal!"

"... fasting meal?"

"I heard someone say that there is a place called the Daishen Temple in the south of the shrine. They give out a fixed meal every day. Let's go there now, just in time to finish the meal!"

Ling Luoyu knew that Feng Chenglin was just making a random excuse to change the topic they had just talked about, so he agreed and went to the Dashen Temple with him to have a vegetarian meal.

On the way there, the two of them made a tacit agreement not to mention what happened just now, not even to Lu Ming and the Mo family.

The Great God Temple is well-known, but it is not like an ordinary temple that shelters faithful men and women and prays for blessings, but more like a refugee shelter.

As soon as Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin arrived at the foot of the mountain, they saw refugees in ragged clothes.

They were in small groups, with their families and their families gathered in a pile, their faces were as pale as vegetables, their eyes were dull and they were huddled on the ground, lifeless.

Feng Chenglin couldn't help but frown: "Where did these people come from? Why didn't we find out where the disaster happened?"

With so many refugees, the disaster will definitely be serious.

But they had never heard of another disaster like this.

"Perhaps they have been here for a long time," Ling Luoyu pointed to the package of one of them: "Have you seen his luggage?"

"...I saw it, what's wrong?"

“Very clean!”

"...How can a guy who is running for his life think about cleaning his luggage? Such a warm and thoughtful person..."

Ling Luoyu looked at him suddenly, her eyebrows raised slightly, but she was speechless.

Feng Chenglin smiled sarcastically: "Metaphor, metaphor, this is just a metaphor, I'm not saying that they really... Anyway, when their lives are at stake, no one has the heart to pack their luggage! "

Only those who have enough to eat and drink, have nothing to do, and no longer have to worry about having enough to eat will have extra thoughts to think about packing their luggage.

"This is what I find incredible," Ling Luoyu stared at the main hall of the Great God Temple with bright eyes: "These people have made this place their home. After they come here, they don't want to leave!"

"If it were me, I wouldn't leave either!" Feng Chenglin chuckled: "Look at these people, they sleep when they're full, eat when they wake up, and then tilt up after eating, and then go back to sleep. They don't care about anything. You can have enough to eat without having to do anything... Tell me, if it were you, would you still be willing to work hard all day long?"

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