Princess Against the World

Chapter 7581 Everyone is a distinguished guest-20

Even if he works hard day and night, doesn’t Tu Zi still have enough to eat?

Nowadays, when there is food to eat and no need to worry about going hungry, who needs to work hard! ?

The two of them were talking as they walked towards the main hall of the Daishen Temple.

Unexpectedly, two young monks came from nowhere and stopped them.

"What business did you two come to our temple for?"

Feng Chenglin glanced at the two of them with some confusion: "What you said makes a lot of sense. Do I need anything else to do here? You are a temple, a place to burn incense and worship Buddha. I come here with full sincerity. Pill incense, isn’t it okay?”

The little monk was scolded, but he was not angry and still smiled playfully.

"I'm sorry, you two. There are a lot of refugees in our temple recently, and we have been busy giving out meals, so we don't have time for the pilgrims to burn incense and worship Buddha. You two should go back first and come back another day when you have time!"

Feng Chenglin felt even more baffled: "It's understandable that you don't burn incense to worship Buddha and provide vegetarian meals in your city, but it's a bit unreasonable to block the pilgrims outside and not even burn a stick of incense?!"

I don’t know, I thought they were here to rob!

This was the first time he had seen this kind of temple that blocked pilgrims from entering.

Seeing that the two young monks still had the same sullen little faces, Feng Cheng and Lin Nai calmed down, took off the money bag from his waist, and waved it in front of the two people.

"You two can see clearly, what is this?"

"Money bag!"

"Yes, money bag. This money bag shows that I am here to add money for sesame oil and give you money. I am your God of Wealth. How can you block the God of Wealth outside the door and even go in to burn it?" A monk who won’t even give you a stick of incense? Get out of the way..."

As he spoke, he pushed the two young monks away very roughly and walked inside with big strides.

But those two young monks are not vegetarians either.

After the two looked at each other, they quickly ran forward, opened their hands, and stopped in front of them.

Although he still had a smile on his face, his attitude was neither humble nor arrogant, and he had the potential to start a fight with them if he continued on.

"Two donors, I'm really sorry today. It's not convenient for us here. You two, you'd better go back first!"

"You little monk..." Feng Chenglin was so angry that he almost cursed.

Ling Luoyu took his arm in time and smiled lightly: "You two young masters, we don't have any ill intentions. We just heard that you are giving out vegetarian meals here, so we came here to have some vegetarian meals..."

"You, you two, do you eat fast food?" One of the young monks looked at the two of them up and down, his eyes full of strangeness, "To put it bluntly, you two, the clothes and jewelry of the two of you combined, It’s enough to feed all of us in the temple for several days!”

"Yes, you two should go back wherever you came from. This place is really not suitable for you to eat fast."

Feng Chenglin couldn't help it anymore and rushed forward, his eyes unfriendly: "Are you two hating the rich? We are well-dressed, so we shouldn't come over to eat vegetarian food? What the hell is this weird thing? theory?!"

"Donor, fasting meals are for homeless people. You two people who can eat big fish and meat, it's better not to come and compete with the poor refugees for a fasting meal..." One of the young monks suddenly raised his voice. , began to fan the flames.

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