Princess Against the World

Chapter 7582 Cannibal Temple-1

"It's not that we deliberately embarrass the two donors and don't want you to stay for a bite of vegetarian food, but you two can ask the people around you if they want you to stay and compete for this soup in their mouths..."

These words have completely risen to the level of group morality.

For these refugees, people like Feng Chenglin and Ling Luoyu, who are exquisitely dressed and wearing gold and silver, are their opposites, and they look jealous and greedy.

At this time, there were monks fanning the flames and secretly provoking them, and the anger in their hearts instantly burned up.

"You two are full, are you coming over to watch our jokes?"

"Go where you came from. Don't delay my fasting here."

"I will starve to death without this food. I'm afraid you can't even get used to such a simple meal. Why are you disgusting us here?"

"Go away, let them go!"

"Get out of here, or chase them out if you don't!"


The emotions of the refugees were completely aroused, and each one of them roared with righteous indignation. They wanted to pick up the stick next to them and rush up first to beat the two of them.

Feng Chenglin took two steps back, looked at the ferocious faces around him in disbelief, and lowered his voice speechlessly.

"Third Young Master, are these guys crazy? They are all like mad dogs. Who will they catch and bite?"

Not to mention whether they eat vegetarian food or not, even if they eat it, so what?

"The two of us are not good eaters. Even if we eat, how much can we eat?! It seems that as long as we open our mouths, we can eat up all their food!"

Ling Luoyu's eyes narrowed: "Haven't you heard? Buddhas compete for a stick of incense, and people compete for a breath... For these people, we all eat the same amount, because they don't allow anyone who is richer and more comfortable than them. People, come here and compete with them for a bite of food! You can call this...jealousy!!"

No one cares if they get an extra bite of rice!

They couldn't bear the two of them coming to dinner in such a glamorous manner!

Feng Chenglin gritted his teeth, his balls hurting: "These guys..."

"If they don't like this, then let's give them another trick!"

"...How to do it?"

"What do you think!?" Ling Luoyu smiled half-heartedly: "They are all a group of guys who only recognize clothes but not people. Isn't it easy to attack them!?"

"...It's really simple!"

Changing clothes and disguises are the most basic survival manuals for the two of them.

An hour later, two hobbling, ragged homeless people supported each other and moved step by step to the steps of the Great God Temple.

These two people were none other than Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin after their disguise.

Seeing their appearance, the surrounding refugees just raised their eyes and no one paid any attention to them.

The two people supported each other and walked up one step at a time.

Even if there were monks passing by, they would just look at them coldly, not say anything, and pass by pretending not to see them.

Feng Chenglin couldn't help but stop: "Hey, that's wrong... Why are the monks here so different from the monks in other families!?"

Ling Luoyu also realized that things were very unusual: "Yeah, the previous attitude towards us can be explained as treating money like dirt and not wanting to talk to us, but now, we are both in such a mess, no one talks to us... …where’s their compassion!?”

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