Princess Against the World

Chapter 7705 That’s a place you can’t reach-5

But in this way, it can be regarded as a perfect answer.

"Master God, just put your heart back in your belly. No one will take your seat. Even if you take your seat, we won't be able to sit there!"

"That is, if that really happens and your men don't just have King Qin's excuse, then we will be enemies of everyone in the world."

"So, it is the safest way to be below this person and above ten thousand people to seek glory and wealth!"


The two people spoke seriously.

The Lord of God actually still doesn't believe it in his heart, but judging from what they mean, they probably just use this as an excuse, and it's impossible to give any other reasons.

That being the case...

Then believe it for now!

Anyway, if it was as he thought, what the two of them wanted was not glory and wealth, then in the long run, we would definitely be able to see clues from their words and deeds.

"I have already told you that the Lord of God is up there. Whether you can find him or not depends on the fate of the two of you!"

The Lord of God once again pointed to the dark top of the cave, which was very meaningful.

"I never intended to lie to you from the beginning. Everything I told you was the truth. It's just that you think your eyes are telling the truth!"

Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin couldn't help but glance at each other, and finally understood what he meant.

"You mean there's still... space up there?"

The Lord God nodded, then shook his head: "For some people, it is a space, but for most people, it is just a stone!"

"Fat man!" Ling Luoyu patted Feng Chenglin on the shoulder and winked at him.

Feng Chenglin understood, soared into the air and rushed to the top of the cave.



"Fat man?"

"It's okay, I just hit my head!" Feng Chenglin rubbed his head and carefully checked the surroundings, "I said, Lord God, how do you get into the space you mentioned? Is there any mechanism here?"

He touched around the stones on the roof of the cave, and his tentacles were all smooth and black stones.

In addition, the water droplets are spreading and there is no place to draw strength from, so it really can't be seen that there is anything unusual.

After checking around, he flew down and shook his head at Ling Luoyu.

"Anyway, with my eyesight, I can't see anything!"

As he spoke, he looked at the Lord of God with a rather provocative look, more like asking him whether what he said was true or false.

The Lord God shrugged: "You don't have to look at me like that, I'm telling the truth. If you judge me as a gentleman with a villain's heart, I can't help it. Whether you believe it or not, it all depends on you!"

Now that the words have been said and things have reached this point, do the two of them still have the qualifications to be unlucky?

Even if it was acting, the two of them had to believe that this thing was true.

Feng Chenglin smiled like an Amitabha Buddha: "Look what you said, since we have chosen to cooperate with you, trust is an essential link between us. How come we don't distrust you? What you said, We really believe it!”

That's what they say, but psychologically speaking, they are still skeptical about this matter.

Only this impostor has ever seen that dimension, and there are not even rumors about it.

Whether it is true or false, apart from the false god master, only ghosts can probably know.

Lu Ming's voice came again: "Are you finished?"

Haven't you finished saying what you need to say?

It's been said for so long, how many secrets are there?

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