Princess Against the World

Chapter 7706 That’s a place you can’t reach-6

The Lord God glanced in Lu Ming's direction and lowered his voice: "There is one more thing, you need to be careful!"


"I don't know what he said to you, but if it involves Gu Lan, I hope you will be more careful..."

"What do you mean?"

The false God Lord hesitated for a moment: "Perhaps he plays a weak role in front of you. To be honest, he was the same in front of me before. He always said how Gu Lan bullied him and squeezed him. But in my opinion..."

"Wait a minute!" Ling Luoyu interrupted him suddenly: "You, do you know the relationship between Gu Lan and Lu Ming?"

"I know, of course I know!"

"...Then, do you know that Lu Ming Gu Lan, a secret that is dedicated to you and buried next to you?"

The false God Lord smiled: "Did he tell you this? Did he also say... how I abused him, bullied him, insulted him, and caused indelible damage to his soul?"

Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin stopped talking for a moment.

Lu Ming...isn't this how he behaved in front of them?

The false god master shook his head meaningfully: "When you heard these words, did you feel protective of her in your hearts?"


"To be precise, is it because he is a weakling that you developed sympathy and even did something to protect him?"

Feng Chenglin couldn't hold back his anger at first: "Sir, you, you don't mean to say that guy is just good at taking advantage of people's sympathy, that's why..."

"Don't you know that this is what he is best at?"

Feng Chenglin felt bad: "Then, is that guy really acting with us?"

"At least before you, this was how he acted with me. It wasn't until something happened to me later that I discovered that he, like his master, is the most black-hearted wolf in the world!"

"Hey," Feng Chenglin couldn't help scratching his head: "You, do you mean to say that Lu Ming and his master...are the same, not different things?"

"To be precise, the master is better than the master. If there is a chance in the future, you may know that compared to his master, he is really proficient in some aspects, which will surprise you!"

The false god master seemed to be holding back and did not explain the matter thoroughly.

"In a word, you should be careful. With my status now, I am afraid that no matter what I say, you will not believe it, so it is true that some things cannot be seen with the naked eye! What's more, Are they just some one-sided words?”

The words are said to this extent, even a fool can hear it...

The fake God Lord was just complaining...Lu Ming was acting from beginning to end.

His grievances, misery, pitifulness, being bullied, and being abused...

In fact, it was all a scene performed by him carefully.

The purpose is to win their sympathy and establish an image of a weak person in front of them.

Not to mention Ling Luoyu, even Feng Chenglin felt that his IQ was being thrown to the ground and trampled on.

"Third Young Master, you... we won't really be fooled by this guy, right?"

Ling Luoyu did not answer, but looked at the false god master meaningfully.

These two people have public affairs and public affairs, and mother-in-law talks about mother-in-law's affairs. It's a complete Rashomon.

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