Princess Against the World

Chapter 7707 That’s a place you can’t reach-7

As a bystander, no one knows what the specific truth is.

And the best way to deal with it is...

"Fat man, it doesn't matter whether what he says is true or false, as long as it doesn't affect our interests, the two of us will act as if nothing happened and just act with him!"

Who can guarantee that what this false god said is true?

Maybe, he still wanted to use this to sow discord, sow discord between them and Lu Ming, and then borrow a knife to kill people, and borrow their hands to get rid of Lu Ming.

Feng Chenglin immediately understood from his eyes and immediately laughed: "That's right. Anyway, for now, we have not suffered from this little guy. If this guy fools around under our hands in the future, we will cause trouble." If something goes wrong, it's not too late for us to deal with him!"

Having said this, he also patted the false god master on the shoulder meaningfully.

"But having said that, thank you for reminding us, man!"

The false god master fell for the trick and responded extremely politely: "This is natural. You are in peace with each other. It is only good for me and has no harm. Of course I don't want anything to happen to you!"

Feng Chenglin was even more satisfied: "You are an old guy who understands the overall situation and knows how to pick up nice things to say to us!"

In comparison, that guy Lu Ming seems to be motivated.

The false god master once again said politely: "As I said before, helping you means helping myself. After all, in my current miserable situation, I still have to count on you to help me turn this situation around!"

"What do you mean by this?" Feng Chenglin quickly took two steps back as if he had been bitten by a snake: "You sound... a bit like you are trying to blackmail us!"

"How dare I blackmail you? But you have seen what I am like. For now, I can't leave here!"

The false God Lord sighed helplessly, and there was a little bit of grievance in his words, as if others had misunderstood his original intention.

"I can't leave here like this. Firstly, it's too scary. Secondly, my body will feel more comfortable here!"

The hot spring is like a natural heating machine, which can relax his whole body.

Otherwise, his clear skin would turn to stone-like stiffness.

Although I can't see it, the feeling is really uncomfortable.

"If you want to leave here, you have to help me find the antidote, and the antidote...only Gu Lan has!"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

Feng Chenglin: "..."

The two of them looked at each other and finally understood what the ultimate goal of this false god was after going around in such a big circle.

"You, you, you want to use us to get the antidote for you from Gu Lan?"

Feng Chenglin spoke stumblingly, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"After talking for so long, it turns out... you are using us?"

"How can you say it's use? I need your help, and after I'm safe and sound, I can also help you. We each get what we need and work together!"

"Stop it first. The prerequisite for everyone to get what they need is that we get benefits from you. You ask us to get you the antidote from Gu Lan..."

Feng Chenglin suddenly stopped talking and gave a "haha" sneer.

"As a member of the Divine Lord, you should know better than us what kind of cultivation level that guy Gu Lan is, right?"

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