Princess Against the World

Chapter 7709 That’s a place you can’t reach-9

Lu Ming stood there stupidly, staring straight at Feng Chenglin.

Feng Chenglin felt a little guilty when he saw him and couldn't help but patted his shoulder.

"You kid, why are you looking at me like that? I'm so embarrassed by you!"

Lu Ming did not listen to his pretentiousness: "You, you two, didn't you two help me kill him? How can you pay for it, still, still..."

"Don't pay it back. As the saying goes, things are unpredictable and unpredictable. We didn't expect this either!"

Feng Chenglin scratched his head, not feeling embarrassed at all. Instead, he approached Lu Ming with relief and smiled softly.

"But having said that, I think there might be some misunderstanding between you two. Wouldn't it be a good thing if we solved this misunderstanding?"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Ming dodged away and looked at him like he was looking at the enemy who killed his father.

"I understand, you two, you two saw that he still has value for use. No, it should be said that the value of use is higher than mine. So, you two changed directions and became wallflowers with him. Stand together and deal with me together, right?"

"Hey, how can we say we are dealing with you? We have never thought about dealing with you. We are on the same team. That guy Gu Lan is our biggest enemy, right?"

Feng Chenglin once again started the serious nonsense mode.

"In terms of dealing with Gu Lan, I think this God Lord, although he is a false God Lord, can still be very helpful. Why don't we make use of him? To be honest, let's not be sinister or shameless. It’s totally okay to kill the donkey!”

"...You're going to kill the donkey and kill the donkey. You're going to kill the God Lord?" Lu Ming shook his head, seriously thinking that these two people were really convinced.

These two people are still too naive!

I am naive and don’t know how cruel and ruthless the God Lord is.

Even if he is a fake god. But his heart is really dark.

"Okay, anyway, it's you who do the things and the path you choose. As for life or death in the end, don't say I didn't advise you!"

Lu Ming really didn't want to say unnecessary words to them anymore.

Saying one more word would be an insult to him! !

Looking at his angrily leaving figure, Feng Chenglin scratched his head: "This guy is really angry!"

"Working with people you once hated will make you more angry!"

Ling Luoyu was very calm from beginning to end.

"Actually, he knows very well in his heart that whether it is the Divine Master or him, for us, they are just using each other. If we can use him, he is naturally using us!"

Since everyone is taking advantage of the relationship, don't bluff and talk about your true feelings.

"That's right, anyway, we are all just pretending to be in love and just making fun of ourselves!" Feng Chenglin smiled evilly: "But to be honest, our team has grown a lot!"

He smiled as he thought of something.

"Third Young Master, tell me, if Mo Xuanchen comes back now and sees that our team has grown so large, what kind of expression will he have?"





Feng Chenglin and Ling Luoyu did not return to the place arranged by Lu Ming. They found a quiet courtyard alone as a place to stay.

At night, when Feng Chenglin just woke up, he heard the sound of clothes passing by outside. He couldn't help but frown and got up cursing.

"It's midnight. What blind guy actually came to our house to steal something!!"

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